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Blog About The History Of Esperanto

от rapn21, 6 февраля 2015 г.

Сообщений: 2

Язык: English

rapn21 (Показать профиль) 6 февраля 2015 г., 14:35:21

There's an interesting blog I think some people here might be interested in. It's called Imp Of The Diverse.

The author mostly goes through old American newspapers from 100 years ago that contained articles about Esperanto and then blogs them in English. Most articles date from 1900-20. Its a very interesting insight into the history of Esperanto in America a hundred years ago and how people viewed it at the time. There are a handful of posts in Esperanto, but almost all are in English.

The blog is updated daily and todays post (Esperanto' Civil War) is an interesting one on the Ido Schism and translating the Gettysburg Address.

Archive of posts on the History of Esperanto

bartlett22183 (Показать профиль) 6 февраля 2015 г., 20:03:02

Certainly there is a lot of interesting history for Esperanto. ridulo.gif My late father, who was born in 1911, once remarked that his father had tried to learn Esperanto. Considering that my grandfather was born in 1868 (generations have been long in my family), that could have been any time from the very beginning in 1887 (my father didn't say). So my personal contact with the language (although I do not claim fluency) might go back just two generations to the very source. ridulo.gif Thanks for the link.
