
What does this mean?


メッセージ: 12

言語: English

Alkanadi (プロフィールを表示) 2015年9月23日 1:39:24

Is this sentence good grammar?

En multaj landoj, sandviĉo tradicie estas farata el du aŭ pli da pantranĉaĵoj enhavantaj la enhavaĵojn inter si.

I am going to try to memorise short articles from Wikipedia. Can I safely assume that all the Wikipedia articles have good grammar?

Tempodivalse (プロフィールを表示) 2015年9月23日 1:47:13

Can I safely assume that all the Wikipedia articles have good grammar?
No. There is no formal vetting process at Vikipedio and anyone can contribute regardless of ability.

You might want to look at the Elstaraj artikoloj for a small set of articles that actually been approved by competent speakers. Link
I am going to try to memorise short articles from Wikipedia.
This is surely an unhelpful strategy. You don't get to learn a language better by rote memorisation of selected sentences. You need to know how the words fit together to make the sentence, otherwise you could have the entire Biblio memorised and still not be able to speak the language spontaneously.

Evildela (プロフィールを表示) 2015年9月23日 1:57:30

Tempodivalse:This is surely an unhelpful strategy. You don't get to learn a language better by rote memorisation of selected sentences. You need to know how the words fit together to make the sentence, otherwise you could have the entire Biblio memorised and still not be able to speak the language spontaneously.
This is actually a very effective strategy as long as you understand what you're memorising. In fact the entire Duolingo course is built on this idea and has been highly successful. By memorising sentences using words you want to learn, you actually learn them in context, and thus learn to use them correctly. It's basically an extreme version of immersion through reading. This was the main strategy I used to become fluent in Esperanto.

Vestitor (プロフィールを表示) 2015年9月23日 10:00:31

Duolingo is more like sentence flashcards than actual reading comprehension. It's also been carefully put together to introduce things gradually. On Duolingo, especially when strengthening weakened modules, there is a tendency to have memorised certain sentences without having completely understood it.

Reading longer texts is different. Nothing against reading of course, but I don't think memorising articles is necessary; just continued reading. By reading widely you come up against words and constructions in different ways rather than expected ways. Like conversation it keeps you alert.

sudanglo (プロフィールを表示) 2015年9月23日 10:46:38

It seems to me plausible that fluency in one's mother tongue does depend on having readily available a whole host of clichéd phrases, or at any rate models of usage.

And I would suggest that one of the reasons why many Esperantists with considerable command of the grammar, are yet not very fluent in conversation is that they still haven't acquired an automaticity in respect of sentence components, so that a largely conscious process of construction by the rules has to be executed.

Alkanadi, I don't see any grammatical faults in your quoted sentence, but I might make some stylistic changes.

En multaj landoj, (la) sandviĉo konsistas tradicie el du (aŭ pli da) pantranĉaĵoj inter kiuj kuŝas la enhavaĵo (de kiu la sandviĉo ricevas sian nomon)

Edit: you might find it helpful to memorise (selectively) the Ekzercaro, rather than Wiki articles. Though of course they can be very useful for vocab and some make an interesting read.

Miland (プロフィールを表示) 2015年9月23日 12:28:56

Alkanadi:I am going to try to memorise short articles from Wikipedia.
If you want to memorise Esperanto texts, you need to be sure that they are models of good style. I suggest beginning with the most famous Esperanto poems. You will find some here. Try Ho, mia kor!, La Espero, La vojo and perhaps Preĝo sub la verda standardo. Then try Kalocsay's [url=http://donh.best.vwh.net/Esperanto/Literaturo/Poezio/Ezopa_Saĝo.html]Ezopa saĝo[/url]. Then try memorising some proverbs. After that you should have a better idea of your own taste, and what it suits you to memorise.

Alkanadi (プロフィールを表示) 2015年9月26日 19:48:00

I am having some trouble. I tried memorising this wiki article https://eo.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aradia_(libro)

But it took me several days just to memorise the first few sentences. It is too complex for my level.

I need something with simple sentences. Like 5 words max per sentence. It needs to be CC or public domain because i want to go on Youtube and recite it in order to show off my skill of memorizing things.

I dont really want a poem because i am also memroizing for the sake of subconciously teaching myself the normal Esperanto paterns. Poetry usually has abnormal paterns.

What do you suggest?

Miland (プロフィールを表示) 2015年9月26日 20:09:54

Alkanadi:I dont really want a poem because i am also memroizing for the sake of subconciously teaching myself the normal Esperanto paterns. Poetry usually has abnormal paterns.
Since you mention the subconscious element in learning, I believe that learning Esperanto poetry will help in this process, and therefore would advise you not to neglect it.

I would also advise you not to neglect Zamenhof's Proverbs, whether you consider them prosaic or poetic for your purposes.

If you must memorise connected prose, I suggest you try Gerda Malaperis. That contains plenty of sound patterns.

RiotNrrd (プロフィールを表示) 2015年9月27日 15:04:42

Don't memorize. Just read. The memorization of vocabulary and grammatical patterns will be automatic as long as you do at least a little bit every single day (with no days off).

Pick a paragraph of something, and really READ it. By that I mean make sure you understand every single word and know why it's there. Don't gloss over anything. Pick the thing apart. If you come across a construction you don't understand, figure it out or find out by asking why it is the way it is, but don't let it go until you've "got it".

I can guarantee that doing the above will take you farther than rote memorization.

Duko (プロフィールを表示) 2015年9月28日 9:51:21

I memorize song texts. This way I can sing along ridulo.gif . It did help me memorize some words & usual expressions.
