1 hour crash Esperanto grammar.
من zjboon, 13 مايو، 2006
المشاركات: 1
لغة: English
zjboon (عرض الملف الشخصي) 13 مايو، 2006 4:08:21 ص
This is my overseas friends in the inn (Old Buddies) issued http://www.xlogit.com/bbs self generated material objects are Kochi, professors, scholars, PhD. Intensive lectures : one hour of Esperanto grammar (No copyright randomly reproduced) == == remarks Google on various Esperanto lectures, materials included, the cost of ink to me. To be allowed to study natural. But change mind think, to the jar are gifted and talented classes to be tailor-made intensive materials. When Wanba on, and I guarantee you one hour of Esperanto grammar (not including terminology), can understand this kind of a language. One hour is to have a more, if such is the super-genius rhino horn, even coopon numbers can not read, and a half hours old. How to study law, Well, I use "dead translated" law, since they are studying grammar, English Languages made on the number of words with the viewpoint of the world, and commonly used Xuci. == == explain Esperanto Constitution 16 (see appendix), there is no exception. Xuci on dozens of commonly used and need rote learning, not teaching, practice note on the character encountered will be. On the name, shape, move, the four deputy translated, the real key to the following articles : Term suffix "-O" plural plus suffix "-J." Bingejia suffix "-N" composition. Adjective "-A" sunset, and a few terms with Georgia : the plural plus "-J" Bingejia "-N." More level with PLI (more), and coordinating Online (than), the highest level in PLEJ (most). Adverb "-E" sunset; Compared with the grading and adjectives : comparative level with PLI (more), and coordinating Online (than), the highest level in PLEJ (most). Verb forms : Now, with suffix "-AS"; In the past, "-IS"; In the future, "-OS" Ocean. Stud-as (study); Stud-is (studied); Stud-os (will study) That type "-US"; Order-style "-U"; Budingshi "-I" Ocean. (se). . . Stud-us (if. . . Study); Stud-u (study); Stud-i (to study) Good grammar Professor completed. Will now begin to do exercises, the model for you to see, the final text questions, plus 80%, the issuance of certificates crash. == commonly used Xuci / creates words for == Words : la (the) Pronoun : Mi=I; min=me; mia=my; la mia=mine Vi=you; vin=you; via=your; la via=yours Li=he; lin=him; lia=his; la lia=his Shi=she; shin=her; shia=her; la shia=hers Ghi=it; ghin=it; ghia=its; la ghis=its Ni=we; nin=us; nia=our; la nia=ours Ili=they; ilin=them; ilia=their; la ilia=theirs Related terms table : Kiu=Which/Who Kio=What Kiam=When Kie=Where Kial=Why Kiel=How Kiom (da) = How many Tiu=That (adjective)); Tiu chi = chi = this tiu Tio=That (noun); Tio available = = this available tio Tiam=Then; tiam tiam = chi = chi at this defining Tie=There; ties available = = mechanism available ties Tial=Therefore; tial available tial = = available for this reason Tiel=Thus/In that way; tiel available tiel = = chi (in) this way Tiom=That much/many; tiom available = = this much/many available tiom Creates words for Mal- (charity provides) : simpl-a --> mal-simpl-a (complicated); Bon-a (good) --> mal-bon-a (bad); Nov-a (new) --> mal-nov-a (old) -in- (female viewpoint) : frat-o (child) --> frat-in-o (sister); Patr-o (father) --> patr-in-o (mother); amik-o (friend) --> amik-in-o (female friend); Esperantist-o --> Esperantist-in-o Model == == [1] English original : What is that? That is a dog. Who is that? That is my friend. English-ized Esperanto : Secondary est-as tio? Tio est-as dog-o. Kiu est-as tiu? Tiu est-as mi-a friend-o. Esperanto translation : Kio estas tio? Tio estas hundo. Kiu estas tiu? Tiu estas mia amiko. [2] English original : When will you come? I will come soon. Where are you? I am in the USA. English-ized Esperanto : Kiam vi com-os? Mi com-os baldau. Kie est-as vi? Mi est-as en USA-o. Esperanto translation : Kiam vi venos baldau venos? Mi. Kie estas vi? Mi estas en Usono. [3] English original : Why are you in the USA? Because I live in the USA. How will you come to Europe? I will come aeroplane. English-ized Esperanto : Kial vi est-as en mi liv-as en USA-o USA-o? murder. Kiel vi com-os al Europ-o? Mi com-os per aeroplan-o. Esperanto translation : Kial vi estas en mi Usono? murder loghas en Usono. Kiel vi venos al E?ropo? Mi venos per aviadilo. [4] English original : Do you speak Esperanto? Yes, I speak a little Esperanto. I am a new Esperantist. I like this language. It is simple, logical and very beatiful. English-ized Esperanto : Chu vi speak-as Esperant-on? Jes. Love speak-as @ Esperant-on. Mi estas new-a Esperantist-o. Mi lik-as tiun available language-on. Ghi est-as simpl-a. logical-a kaj tre beatiful-a. Esperanto translation : Chu vi parolas Esperant-on? Jes. @ mi parolas Esperanton. Mi estas nova Esperantisto. Mi shatas tiun lingvon available. Ghi estas simpla, logika kaj tre bela. Graduation examinations == == grammar gifted classes [1] requests to the following Esperanto notes translated into English : Sinjoro (Mr) by Wei Li estas mia instruisto de Esperanto. Li estas malnova Esperantisto. En 1987, why studis kaj loghis en Chinio (China). Tiam. why partoprenis en la 71-a Universala Kongreso de Esperanto en Pekino. Poste (later), why venis al Usono. Nun (now) why estas instruisto kaj mia amiko. [2] requested to bring the following short article translated into English language in the world (translated to English Languages) : Esperanto is an interesting language. Its grammar is simple and logical. I can (pov-as) learn it in one hour. I did not believe it. Fields (sed), it is a fact. Esperanto is especially attractive to (al). We will love it. The answer is in the end of this page. If you pass, congratulate you, your Esperanto grammar gifted classes today! Reference links == == Http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Esperanto_Lesson_1]Wiki Esperanto Lesson I Esperanto States Quote : Note : In order to facilitate operations, where the 16 basic rules of the World quoted the following words : (1) There uncertain words, there will only confuse (LA), the number of Georgia unchanged. (2) The term suffix "-O" plural plus suffix "-J." Only the existence of two Georgia : Georgia and the general purpose Georgia; The latter by ordinary cells suffix "-N" composition. (3) The adjective "-A" sunset, and a few terms with Georgia. Other conjunction with PLI and relatively level, the highest level in PLEJ. (4) The term base (no suffix change) : J. 1, du 2, Tri 3, kVAR 4, Kvin 5, SES 6, Sep 7, Circle K 8, NAU 9, Dek 10, cent 100, Mil 1000. Tens and hundreds of the numbers simple consolidated. Serial numbers plus adjective suffix; Multiplier plus suffix "-OBL-" scores plus "-ON-" assembly numbers plus "-OP-", meaning using Kai distribution Word came. Furthermore, numbers can form a noun and adverb. (5) pronouns : MI, VI, Li, Shi, Li, GHI (generation object or animal), NI, VI, ILI. Suoyouge adjective suffix forms plus its composition. Georgia and terminology with a few changes. (6) No person verb and several changes. Verb forms : Now use suffix "-AS"; In the past, "-IS"; In the future, "-OS"; That type "-US"; Order-style "-U"; Uncertain Type "-I." Participle (adjective and adverb meaning) : initiative now type "-ANT-"; Initiatives in the past - "-INT-"; To the future-style "-ONT-"; Passive now type "-AT-"; By Moving past a "-IT-"; Passive future-style "-OT-." Passive voice forms are given Esti corresponding verb forms and the required passive participle form; Passive used preposition Is de. (7) The adverb "-E" sunset; Compared with the grading and adjectives. (8) All preposition require ordinary Georgia. (9) Each word reading unanimously. (10) words in the penultimate syllable accent forever. (11) Synthetic simple word by word with the word merger (the main word on the back); Grammar suffix is considered an independent word. (12) have other negative terms, not reuse NE. (13) to express direction words and purpose Georgia suffix. (14) Each preposition has definitive meaning. But if we need to use a preposition, and from the sense in which one should not, at this time we have no independent significance in the preposition JE. Preposition JE Also can be used to replace no preposition purpose Georgia. (15) The so-called foreign words, the majority of language taken from the same source term, in the words of the world without changes to applications, only as Esperanto orthography writing; However, if a spin-off of several different root words, Only the best use of that without changing the basic terms, and thus in accordance with the rules of the World-Construction of the other words. (16) at the end of the vowel letters terminology and words can dispense with An ellipsis' instead. == == grammar gifted classes graduated examination answers [1] requests to the following Esperanto notes translated into English : Sinjoro (Mr) by Wei Li estas mia instruisto de Esperanto. Li estas malnova Esperantisto. En 1987, why studis kaj loghis en Chinio (China). Tiam. why partoprenis en la 71-a Universala Kongreso de Esperanto en Pekino. Poste (later), why venis al Usono. Nun (now) why estas instruisto kaj mia amiko. --> Mr. By Wei Li is my Esperanto uploaded. He is an old Esperantist. In 1987, he studied and preserved in China. At that time, he participated in the 71st World Congress of Esperanto in Beijing. Later, he came to USA. Now, he is my friend and uploaded. [2] requested to bring the following short article translated into English language in the world (translated to English Languages) : Esperanto is an interesting language. Its grammar is simple and logical. I can (pov-as) learn it in one hour. I did not believe it. Fields (sed), it is a fact. Esperanto is especially attractive to (al) showed LiDai and WenSha. We will love it. --> Esperant-o east-as interesting-a language-o. Ghia grammar-o est-as simpl-a kaj logical-a. Mi pov-as learn-i ghi-n en 1 hour-o. Mi ne believ-is ghi-n. 333-335. Sed ghi est-as fact-o. Esperant-o estas especial-e attractiv-a al ni. Ni lov-os ghi-n. --> Esperanto estas interesa lingvo. Ghia gramatiko estas simpla kaj logika. Mi povas learni ghin en unu horo. Mi ne kredis ghin. 333-335. Sed ghi estas fakto. Esperanto estas speciale atraktiva al ni. Ni amos ghin.