შეტყობინებები: 27
ენა: English
awake (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 20 აპრილი, 2008 12:23:14
mnlg:"Mi iru" shows a resolution made by the speaker, with a possible emphasis according to context. "I'd better be going". "I should really be going", "Don't try to stop me, I made up my mind and I shall go no matter what", etc."Mi devas iri" and "Mi iru" can both be translated as "I should go" but there is a subtle difference between them.
"Mi devas iri" expresses a very similar concept, but personally I would use it when the speaker is suffering the decision, or agreeing to it; not necessarily initiating it.
"Mi devas iri" implies an obligation to go while "Mi iru" implies a desire to go (or at least an intention to go).
You can translate them a little differently to highlight that distinction.
Mi devas iri = I have an obligation to go
for example, "Mi devas iri. Se mi estos malfrua, mia dunganto maldungos min!"
= "I should go, if I'm late my boss will fire me!"
Whereas Mi iru = Let me go (As in, I don't really have an obligation to go, but it's time for me to go).
Mi laciĝas nun, mi iru = I'm getting tired now, I should go (let me go).
Of course, this distinction is subtle, and often the usages overlap one another.
Verdano (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 6 მაისი, 2008 10:27:10
Verdano (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 6 მაისი, 2008 12:19:45
Verdano:Post removed - please try to keep posts at least somewhat on topic, and if they are not on topic, at least short!okay: In a website forum, golem.de/golem.nl, I read about an Esperanto campaign running there, where most of the participants meant English to be a very easy language. I am not that much sure. Here some critiicism:
Antwort an
@Kyloe and @RaiseLee dear/dearest
(I translate form German into Esperanto)
Karaj-plej amantoj de cervedar'! Je la facileco del'Angla, resp. ties konfuzeblo rapida kun iu pigjeno (cetere ankau suficze malfacila idiom') permesu min, vian Merkwürden (Dignorimarkatan), fojenun surtapetigi la arbitre elprenitajn vortetojn porpentre, kiuj sol-sed atingas la lunon kaj returne la teron en linio senczesanta kvankam estantaj ne pli ol iuj mikraj gutetoj. Kai kiujn naturale cziu de la czi-tieaj forum-partoprenantoj, enczieligintaj Anglezon kiel facilan, certe (au tute ne) konas,
... oh my dear ... -
Long list of words removed - if you have a question to ask about long lists of words, please ask your question, and individual users can contact you to request the list. Although this is the English forum, this forum is not the appropriate place for writing long lists of English words with little explanation.
Verdano (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 6 მაისი, 2008 13:05:42
(Cetere mi pensis ke iu me helpus en la tradukado de la „Anglezo de homofonoj, homonimoj, paronimoj, unusilabuloj“ al Esperanto...)
...Long list of words removed. And since this is the English forum, please accompany all foreign-language text with an English translation.
Verdano (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 6 მაისი, 2008 13:41:21
Mi tradukos el Germanezo tuj:
Und damit ist nur mal grade der Schwanz angekratzt. Das geht unendlich weiter.
Bemerkenswert ist, dass die Englisch-Vokabeln keinerlei Endung haben, wodurch sie besser beim Reden unterscheidbar wären. Wo alfabetisch noch Vokale nachfolgen, sind diese schlicht stumm. Es gibt im Englischen lediglich das vokalfreie ‘ -s ‘ für Plural und für 3. Person Einzahl des Verbs, und das vokalfreie ‘ –ed ‘ [d] für Vergangenheit und für das Mittelwort der Vergangenheit und der Leideform.
Dadurch ist die Sprache dem Chinesischen in ihrer Art sehr nahe gekommen,
Da alle Wörter ineinander fliessen, keine Endungen haben, sehr grohsse Schwierigkeit des Verstehens der gesprochenen Sprache, daher als Internationalsprache komplett untauglich.
Euer Merkwürden
TRADUKO ANGLEN: By this, just the tail of the matter has only been scratched a little. Cause it goes on and on infinitely / extending indefinitely. The most remarkable thing is, the words of the English vocabulary don't have any spoken endings [unlike words of southern Romance language], by which they would be distinguished more easily. Where there still are some alphabetic vowels in writing at the end of the words, they simply are silent. In English there is only -s and -ed as endings, that's all. In this appearance the English language is quite near to Chinese. All words flowing into one another in speaking, no distinct endings being present, or endings none at all, thus utmost difficulty of understanding any fluent speech! Therefore, sorry, English is completely unsuitable as an International Language (also because you must look up each word twice, 'cause of the terrible multitude of synonyms in addition, when you are lacking an English mother)...
- - - - - -
So far my answer to the above noted forists of GOLEM.DE (esperanto campaign there) .
mfg - mit freundlichen Grüßen - yours truly
trojo (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 6 მაისი, 2008 17:25:46
Verdano (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 6 მაისი, 2008 17:33:27
trojo:I don't understand what any of that has to do with the topic.La demando mia estis metita kiel "nova mesagjo", ne sciante, ke tio tamen kondukas al la sama demando jam traktita.
Sed demando pri tradukado-helpo ankau tio estas cziukaze.
Kai la diskuto estis pri la gjusta reprezento tradukata de la liliputaj vortoj (ofte unusilabaj) de la Angla, kiuj tiun lingvon faras la plej malfacilan lingvon apud la Czina en la mondo.
Admin: please translate your message to english. Otherwise it will be removed.