Mensagens: 5
Idioma: English
Miland (Mostrar o perfil) 29 de fevereiro de 2008 10:14:26
I guess if he had known E-o, he could have used Pasporta Servo. Whether that would accomplish his aim, however, I don't know.
Fajro (Mostrar o perfil) 5 de março de 2008 06:04:18
Miland:A British pilgrim on his way to Gandhi's birthplace only got as far as Calais because he couldn't speak French:
I guess if he had known E-o, he could have used Pasporta Servo. Whether that would accomplish his aim, however, I don't know.
erinja (Mostrar o perfil) 5 de março de 2008 16:23:05
Miland:I guess if he had known E-o, he could have used Pasporta Servo. Whether that would accomplish his aim, however, I don't know.I'm a little surprised he didn't at least bring a dictionary with him. I understand that he was trying to limit material things that he brought with him, but I would think he should have brought at least a pocket dictionary for each country he planned to pass through, plus perhaps a pre-prepared statement of his purpose, written in the languages of the countries he planned to pass through.
Frankouche (Mostrar o perfil) 5 de março de 2008 22:28:32
I never meet such a situation like this, absolutly no "dialogue" avalaible, do you?
Becomes our Eternal France, a wild land with barbarous natives ?

Senlando (Mostrar o perfil) 6 de março de 2008 01:01:36
he should have at least learned the words "no money", "food", "please", "thank you" and ofcourse "bathroom" in a few languages of the countries he planned to travel through.
i would like to add though, i think this would have been a very interesting experiment if it had succeeded.