What do you consider 'fluent' in Esperanto? What's your next language goal?
از appleeclipse, 20 مارس 2016
پستها: 24
زبان: English
eriksangel15 (نمایش مشخصات) 23 مارس 2016، 0:14:22
appleeclipse:I live not too far from Philly (near Reading [pronounced red-ing]). There is a very big mall part way between the two cities in King of Prussia which could serve as a good meeting place with lots of handy topics.erinja:I'll be heading to Philadelphia, which is reasonably sized. I'll find someone there, I'm sure.appleeclipse:Which city are you moving to? Unfortunately, most US cities do not have an organized Esperanto association, but larger cities usually have at least a couple of active speakers who are happy to meet up with you, or else informal events going on occasionally, which you can hear about if you find the right contacts or find the right e-mail list. For example, I'm in DC. We have an association which is inactive and if you Google it, you'll find nothing but a broken and outdated website. It looks totally dead, and the main organization kind of is. But there are a number of people who plan a monthly meetup (not in conjunction with the association), so there are things going on, if you know who to ask and where to look.Alkanadi:Is there an Esperanto association nearby that you can connect with?I'm not sure if there is. I'll be moving to the city in August so I'll probably try and find one there.
appleeclipse (نمایش مشخصات) 23 مارس 2016، 2:34:05
eriksangel15:Hi neighbour! I live about 45 minutes away from Reading (Pennsylvania has funny ways to say towns). I can't say I'm too surprised to find people near me on here,but it's still kind of funny nonetheless.
I live not too far from Philly (near Reading [pronounced red-ing]). There is a very big mall part way between the two cities in King of Prussia which could serve as a good meeting place with lots of handy topics.
Alkanadi (نمایش مشخصات) 23 مارس 2016، 6:26:05
erinja:You should contact Todd Moody, a nice guy and a local university professor in Philadelphia. Username T0dd at lernuThere seems to be a lot of Esperanto speakers who are University Professors.
randalljking (نمایش مشخصات) 30 مارس 2016، 17:19:59
appleeclipse:Do you think someone is ever truly fluent in a language? Do you consider fluency to be in speaking, writing and reading, all with perfect grammar? Something else?I would consider someone fluent if they are able to express themself when they are speaking about daily topics. I do not think it is required that they be able to talk about things that are considered to be technical. How many average people can speak about chemistry, physics, or rocket science? Not many. Furthermore, even native speakers do not know every word in their native language. I would have to say the most important aspect should be that other people that speak the target language should be able to understand them.
I feel at a standstill with Esperanto so I'm curious as to what people think, and what people want to progress to next within the language, or another language.