Messaggi: 19
Lingua: English
Grown (Mostra il profilo) 19 ottobre 2016 09:16:55
Vestitor:Taking the mick is cockney rhyming slang: Taking the piss....a piss, a Mickey Bliss...turns into: taking the mick. It means that you wasted a lot of words on your misconception, setting out a lot of pseudo-legal rubbish. If I were you, I'd be feeling a bit of fool right now.I didn't agree with the declarative function of the post I just quoted, but I didn't understand the performative content of it, either. Are you just being self-righteous, or are you officially saving face while unofficially just dropping it, or "declaring victory and going home" as it were?
You also seem to have confused psychology/psychiatry. Though they do indeed have elements of pseudo-science about them. I am no fan of them as they are used.
If you are Usonano78 under another name (quite possible), then my assessment hasn't changed: you're politically naive. I understand the motives, but the result is antisocial. I'm not interested in anti-social politics it already dominates and does a lot of harm. More of it is no good to anyone.
If you are not Usonano78, then get your beak out of that (non) issue between him and me.
Also, I am not Usonano78, with all that that implies.
Vestitor (Mostra il profilo) 19 ottobre 2016 10:05:54
I don't need to 'save face'. If you want to carry on making a complete jackass of yourself in public, please be my guest.
Grown (Mostra il profilo) 20 ottobre 2016 06:31:14
Vestitor:You're talking drivel again man. Are you really unaware that you re-invented 'taking the mick' as an ethnic slur, then produced a heap of mindless pseudo-legal waffle regarding the consequences?"Re-invented". Great. So did you know it was an ethnic slur before, but used it anyway? Neither you nor I have what it takes to make it as ethnic nationalist gangsters, so you can knock off the relentless self-righteousness, the cryptolect-like slang, and the faulting people for not understanding the culture. I don't even know if you're cockney, so if you're not, then all the more reason to knock it off.
I don't need to 'save face'. If you want to carry on making a complete jackass of yourself in public, please be my guest.
And if you're not a fan of them as they are used, then don't ask anyone if they've tried lithium.
Also, you have no idea what political views I may or may not have, so therefore you have no idea what the motives are.
Your disrespect towards Usonano78 and myself is public, and even if it weren't, I was still there, and I would still be on the receiving end of it, so it would still involve me. It's not a non-issue either.
Vestitor (Mostra il profilo) 20 ottobre 2016 09:38:29
The rest of your ramblings are ludicrous and irrelevant.
pikolas (Mostra il profilo) 20 ottobre 2016 14:22:58

Vestitor (Mostra il profilo) 20 ottobre 2016 18:21:53
pikolas (Mostra il profilo) 26 ottobre 2016 00:44:43
app-opsWhat do you mean?
Vestitor (Mostra il profilo) 26 ottobre 2016 10:14:33
pikolas (Mostra il profilo) 28 ottobre 2016 12:32:18