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Do you believe Esperanto will reach its full potential?

من sophietsesmelis, 14 أغسطس، 2018

المشاركات: 9

لغة: English

sophietsesmelis (عرض الملف الشخصي) 14 أغسطس، 2018 2:35:54 ص

As part of my Stage 2 Research Project for school, I have chosen to look into Esperanto and whether it can still fulfil its initial purpose. I do not speak Esperanto myself but am really intrigued by the language and would like to know your thoughts on the topic to grow my research. Any information provided will be highly useful, including opinions, factual information or even any websites, books, etc that I should look into for more information. If you comment below, please indicate whether you wish to remain anonymous or if your name can be quoted in my outcome.

Thank you

JNovi (عرض الملف الشخصي) 6 مارس، 2020 3:13:45 م

Is success measured by how many flyers one hands out or is it measured by how many actually sign up for.the course advertised?

I believe that the practitioners will say that it will achieve its goal. On the other hand those that do not use it will claim it as failing.

It comes.down to perspective and where you stand and if you are willing to look at the issue from different angles.

I suggest getting involved in a few lessons, then a few more to get a real taste of the subject. I could describe how a peach tastes... I would rather hand you one to try for yourself, then we can discuss it 😉

JNovi is not my real name. You may quote me if you like.

Zam_franca (عرض الملف الشخصي) 6 مارس، 2020 4:57:42 م

La fama svisa esperantisto Claude Piron skribis en franclingva pristudo, ke la sukceso de Esperanto, laŭ Zamenhofo mem, okazos se la jena deklaro efektiviĝas: "Que chaque personne ayant appris la langue puisse l’utiliser pour communiquer avec des personnes d’autres nations, que cette langue soit ou non adoptée dans le monde entier, qu’elle ait ou non beaucoup d’usagers". (=Ĉiu lerninto de tiu lingvo [Esperanto] povu uzi ĝin kun homo el aliaj nacioj, eĉ se tiu lingvo ne estas adoptita en la tuta mondo, eĉ se ĝi ne havas multe da uzantoj [tio estas mia propra provo traduki]). Do laŭ tiu citaĵo de Zamenhofo (Piron baziĝas sur la verkaĵo Jezyk Miedzynarodowy de Zamenhofo), Esperanto sukcesas.

The famous swiss esperantist Claude Piron wrote in a study in French that Esperanto's success, according to Zamenhof himself, would happen if the following declaration comes true: "Que chaque personne ayant appris la langue puisse l’utiliser pour communiquer avec des personnes d’autres nations, que cette langue soit ou non adoptée dans le monde entier, qu’elle ait ou non beaucoup d’usagers" (=That every single person that learned the language [Esperanto] can use it in order to communicate with people from other nations, wheter if the language is not widely adopted and wheter if it does not have many speakers). So according to this quotation from Zamenhof (Piron is based on Zamenhof's Jezyk Miedzynarodowy), Esperanto is a success.

Altebrilas (عرض الملف الشخصي) 7 مارس، 2020 11:48:08 ص

Did you read "Bridge of Words", written by Esther Schor? It is a very interesting book about history of the esperanto movement and the author personal experience in it's life.

Although I'm esperantist for more than 40 years, this book has taught me a lot of things.

sudanglo (عرض الملف الشخصي) 7 مارس، 2020 12:08:05 م

The most likely circumstances that will prevent Esperanto reaching its full potential (la fina venko) is the widespread use of hand-held devices that machine-translate in real time (or with a delay sufficiently small to not inhibit conversation). People are lazy!

Zam_franca (عرض الملف الشخصي) 7 مارس، 2020 12:59:22 م

sudanglo:The most likely circumstances that will prevent Esperanto reaching its full potential (la fina venko) is the widespread use of hand-held devices that machine-translate in real time (or with a delay sufficiently small to not inhibit conversation). People are lazy!
Alifadene, la samideano Nornen klarigis tial, kial tia solvo ne funkcios tutmonde.

Altebrilas (عرض الملف الشخصي) 7 مارس، 2020 10:39:43 م

After two world wars, a cold war, an economic war and an ecological desaster, one must admit that Esperanto didn't exactly fulfill it's purpose, i.e. promote peace and harmony on earth by means of a better communication. But we still hope...

RiotNrrd (عرض الملف الشخصي) 8 مارس، 2020 1:37:50 ص

Yep, it's the Lernu! forum. Ask a question, get an answer two years later.

I wonder how the OP did in the class? They might have even graduated by now.

No thanks to us, though, as far as I can tell.

Altebrilas (عرض الملف الشخصي) 9 مارس، 2020 10:34:51 ص

Dankon. Mi ne atentis pri la dato de la unua mesaĝo. Tial ke ĝi ĵus aperis, mi taksis ĝin nova. Espereble niaj vanaj respondoj iam kaj iel povos esti utilaj al iu, kiel botelo ĵetita en oceanon kun letero...

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