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Pokemon Name Translations

od Oŝo-Jabe, 17. júna 2008

Príspevky: 32

Jazyk: English

ceigered (Zobraziť profil) 9. augusta 2009 17:36:58

Zafur:Wow didn't think I was that bad. xD;; Might be better to just let you guys handle it. Fine with reading Esperanto but making my own sentences... xP
No no no, it's not bad at all, I was just being a grammar nazi lango.gif. Even if it's not perfect, as a fan translation that isn't to problematic - I watch many anime subs with horrible translations and yours was of a much greater quality (probably better than if I tried, I don't have a very expansive vocabulary)

If you don't make these sentences now, how else will you learn? lango.gif

And Rogir, while I treat your Esperanto as being superior to mine, I just don't get 'eksplikiĝos' - to me it translates as 'will become explanation' - thus why I tried to use 'ata' (although maybe I should have used 'iĝos' instead of 'estos', not that there is a grave difference in understandability).

'eksplikatiĝos' laŭ mia vidpunkto would be better than 'eksplikiĝos', but still it's many syllables in one word and, using a japanese persons viewpoint as an example, 'ekusupurikiijosu' is very formidable looking for a single word.

Laux, that's the word I was looking for! rido.gif I always forget that.

And where was the accusative forgotten? demando.gif I didn't think it was ignored anywhere

Zafur (Zobraziť profil) 9. augusta 2009 17:50:47

That's good to hear then. I'd prefer to get a nazi on my tail than have a bad translation. I honestly just looked up every word in the vortaro on this site and abused the -n while attempting to keep the sentences as short as possible. Last time I didn't use it enough. lango.gif

Anything for
"Hi, there!
May I help you?"

I'd hate to just put "Saluton!". Also unsure how to do "May I help you?". Treat it as "Do you want help?" perhaps?

tommjames (Zobraziť profil) 9. augusta 2009 18:42:56

ceigered:I just don't get 'eksplikiĝos' - to me it translates as 'will become explanation'
If the root eksplik' were a substantive, your perception would be correct. However the base category of that root is a transitive verb, therefore eksplikiĝi means to become explained, or be explained as would be the typical English formation.

ceigered (Zobraziť profil) 10. augusta 2009 6:52:56

ceigered:I just don't get 'eksplikiĝos' - to me it translates as 'will become explanation'
If the root eksplik' were a substantive, your perception would be correct. However the base category of that root is a transitive verb, therefore eksplikiĝi means to become explained, or be explained as would be the typical English formation.
Meh still confusing, better to keep a pokemon translation simple and analytical IMHO.
Thanks for the explanation though - we really need some markers or something in the vortaro to signify verb roots vs noun roots.

@ zafur:
Ĉu mi povas helpi vin?/Ĉu vi permesas mian helpon?/ĉu vi volas/volus (havi) helpon?"

is one translation. "hej" could also be 'sal'. I wouldn't translate the 'there' though because that's more part of the greeting, e.g. i'd treat 'hey there' as if it was a whole greeting, not literally 'hey to the person over there' lango.gif

Miland (Zobraziť profil) 10. augusta 2009 10:15:13

Here's some more suggestions - they're only that, and definitely free translations. You may prefer the alternatives!
"The various buttons will be explained in the order of their importance."
Klarigoj pri la butonoj. (I don't see the need for the 'importance' bit, since it gives the impression that the explanations will be longer then they really are, but if you must have it, laŭ ilia graveco, en malkreska ordo is a possibility).
"Moves the main character. Also used to choose various data headings."
Movi ĉefrolulon, elekti datumo-titolojn.
"Used to confirm a choice, check things, chat, and scroll text."
Konfirmi elekton, kontroli, balbuti, skandi* tekston. *or volvi
"Used to exit, cancel a choice, and cancel a mode."
Eliri, nuligi elekton, nuligi modon.
"Press this button to open the MENU."
Malfermi menuon.
"Used to shift items and to use a registered item."
Moviĝi erojn, uzi registritan eron.
"If you need help playing the game, or on how to do things, press the L or R Button."
Helpo: premu la L aŭ R butonon.

tommjames (Zobraziť profil) 10. augusta 2009 15:35:04

scroll text
skandi* tekston. *or volvi
Another possibility might be rulumi.

Arpee (Zobraziť profil) 19. augusta 2009 23:24:49

is the video game being translated or was this project stopped? We need to spread Esperanto as far as we can and patches are a sure way of doing this

SciBerC (Zobraziť profil) 11. októbra 2014 3:46:10

I know this project is probably dead, but on reddit, there is talk about translating Pokémon.


Bemused (Zobraziť profil) 11. októbra 2014 8:27:55

Translating games seems like a great way to attract people who are fans of those games.
One question comes immediately to mind however.
How are copyright issues resolved?

SciBerC (Zobraziť profil) 14. októbra 2014 2:05:40

Bemused:Translating games seems like a great way to attract people who are fans of those games.
One question comes immediately to mind however.
How are copyright issues resolved?
If one does not claim authority, ownership and credit for the creation of the game, I think it can be avoided. Also, we can state that only owners of the cartidge can actually play the game.

I am going to translate open source games, as I know the owner wont sue me a lot of money. xD
