المشاركات: 3
لغة: English
ermatveit (عرض الملف الشخصي) 6 مارس، 2021 11:26:39 ص
In the Wiktionary page of esperi (here: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/esperi#Esperanto) in the quotations it refers to an Esperanto translation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice (here 'Fierego kaj Auntaŭjuĝemo.') I love Pride and Prejudice and Jane Austen. Does anyone know more about this translation, where I could buy it etc? Searches for the copy were unhelpful.
Zam_franca (عرض الملف الشخصي) 6 مارس، 2021 10:08:27 م
-> https://www.amazon.com/Fiero-kaj-Anta%C5%ADju%C4%9... you can get more informations on that link, but it seems to be currently unavailable
I think that the production is over and I didn't find any Kindle version.
-> https://www.amazon.com/Fiero-kaj-Anta%C5%ADju%C4%9... you can get more informations on that link, but it seems to be currently unavailable
I think that the production is over and I didn't find any Kindle version.
ermatveit (عرض الملف الشخصي) 7 مارس، 2021 3:47:29 م
Thanks anyway - I'll keep my fingers crossed it comes back into stock.