Příspěvky: 12
Jazyk: English
pastorant (Ukázat profil) 12. října 2006 1:10:36
Dankon por ia ajn helpo, ke vi povas proponi.
erinja (Ukázat profil) 13. října 2006 2:05:55
pastorant:My wife wants to learn Esperanto, but does NOT like to read to learn a language no matter how easy it's supposed to be. Does anyone know of any CD or courses on tape, a la Pimsleur? I know years ago there used to be the fantastic Jen Nia Mondo, but it is out of print.I don't happen to know of anything like this. My suggestion to you is to spend some time contacting Esperanto book services to see if they have a used copy. Have you ever actually seen the book? While it is dialogue based, and while there are tapes of the dialogues, it's not really like pimsleur. The exercises etc are still done on paper, it's just that the grammar is introduced a little differently, and the "reading" texts are conversations, and you have it both in written and audio form.
Dankon por ia ajn helpo, ke vi povas proponi.
Incidentally, if you can scare up a copy of the text somewhere, I think I may know someone who has the tapes, and I could possibly arrange to copy them for you. Though there are of course copyright ramifications to doing something like this, if you absolutely can't find a used copy, I feel only a very limited amount of guilt about copying a tape of an out of print course. Send me a private message if you want me to look into this possibility for you.
Lunombrulino (Ukázat profil) 13. října 2006 4:23:03
The video follows the misadventurs of the Familio Bonvolo, and uses progressively more complex vocabulary and grammar, and there is some explanations before and after each of the 15 episodes.
Rope (Ukázat profil) 13. října 2006 7:44:29
Just as a matter of interest, how many people would be interested in a collection of MP3's that have standard phrases and sentences?
This would again need the help of experienced Esperantists to record them in the various languages on Lernu (Sorry team, drumming up more work for you).
Could be a usefull aid to learning Eo, and another plus point to Lernu.
erinja (Ukázat profil) 13. října 2006 14:26:24
Also - actually this just occurred to me, I completely forgot before - we are working on a course called "Mi estas komencanto" which your wife might like. Its basis is to learn vocabulary adn phrases that will be useful to you when you attend an Esperanto event for the first time. It has a slightly more pimsleur-like approach; you learn words and phrases, then you have "conversations" with people at the fictional Esperanto event that you are attending, where the recording says something then pauses so you can respond, then says something else, etc. It is actually closer to the pimsleur method than the Jen Nia Mondo course, and emphasizes speaking more than reading and writing.
Rope (Ukázat profil) 13. října 2006 15:17:10
It is a pity that you have no plans for it, I think it would be very usefull to listen to in the car.
The audio files option sounds good, I drive quite a bit to work on various systems so listening to MP3's in the car for practise would be good.
I did read on a forum on time that Pimsleur were working on an Eo course. We will see if it is true when and if they respond.
It would be a nice mix to use with the grammer section on the site.
awake (Ukázat profil) 13. října 2006 16:12:07

I'm finding the transition from being able to read and write esperanto reasonably well to being able to speak/understand spoken Eo to be more challenging than I would like. In part that's because I don't really have anyone to practice with. I'm also still working on building my vocabulary. My goal is to reach a high degree of EO fluency in Speaking, listening comprehension, reading, and writing by new year's day.

pastorant:My wife wants to learn Esperanto, but does NOT like to read to learn a language no matter how easy it's supposed to be. Does anyone know of any CD or courses on tape, a la Pimsleur? I know years ago there used to be the fantastic Jen Nia Mondo, but it is out of print.
Dankon por ia ajn helpo, ke vi povas proponi.
erinja (Ukázat profil) 14. října 2006 22:49:16
Rope:It's not really about lack of will for these kinds of things, it's a lack of funding and manpower. There are two people who work on the site more or less full-time. There are three more who are students and do lernu! stuff in their spare time, mostly the computery stuff. Two more do assorted projects whenever they can find the time for it, but less than the rest of the group. This is the core lernu team, responsible for almost all of the site's content. Translations are done by a large group of volunteers working in their free time. The main things preventing the lernu-team from making a pimsleur-type course are the lack of manpower for designing and recording the course (considering the team already has a huge laundry list of changes to make), and the server space. We are currently looking into getting a bigger server to handle our large amount of site traffic, which would be far larger if people were downloading vastly more audio content. If anyone wants to help us out in this regard - take a look at this link! http://en.lernu.net/pri_lernu/subteno/index.php
It is a pity that you have no plans for it, I think it would be very usefull to listen to in the car.
Rope (Ukázat profil) 16. října 2006 20:25:51
erinja:Ay, I do see your point, it is not allways realised that only a few team members are streached in a large way. All credit due to you and the team though, Lernu is a great resource for the new user.Rope:It's not really about lack of will for these kinds of things, it's a lack of funding and manpower. There are two people who work on the site more or less full-time. There are three more who are students and do lernu! stuff in their spare time, mostly the computery stuff. Two more do assorted projects whenever they can find the time for it, but less than the rest of the group. This is the core lernu team, responsible for almost all of the site's content. Translations are done by a large group of volunteers working in their free time. The main things preventing the lernu-team from making a pimsleur-type course are the lack of manpower for designing and recording the course (considering the team already has a huge laundry list of changes to make), and the server space. We are currently looking into getting a bigger server to handle our large amount of site traffic, which would be far larger if people were downloading vastly more audio content. If anyone wants to help us out in this regard - take a look at this link! http://en.lernu.net/pri_lernu/subteno/index.php
It is a pity that you have no plans for it, I think it would be very usefull to listen to in the car.
Maybe that is a target to set myself when I get proficient with Eo, produce a Pimsleur like audio course.

I have quite a long way to go though.
erinja (Ukázat profil) 17. října 2006 19:11:32
Here's the link to front page of the course: