Meldinger: 21
Språk: English
EldanarLambetur (Å vise profilen) 2023 1 25 13:15:26
Metsis:The choice of "n" after "kiel" just depends whether the "like" comparison is about the subject or object of the verb:Altebrilas:Kiel is not a preposition, but a conjunction, and Prevo says:I know that kiel is a conjunction, but that does not help, since being a conjunction does not automatically imply nominative or accusative.
There is a whole chapter in PMEG of using kiel for denoting role, function or similar. I think this is one of the cases where Z got a brain fart and created a mess, by not having clear markings for what can be regarded as the essive (in the sense of "state of being"; als der Präsident) and translative ("something becomes something"; zum Präsident) grammatical cases.
What matters in Esperanto is the verb, what case government it takes. PMEG has an example and an explanation in that above mentioned chapter:
Marta rigardis la parolantan virinon kiel orakolon. [Z] =
Marta opiniis, ke la parolanta virino estas (simila al) orakolo. (...tiel, kiel oni rigardas orakolon.)
And PIV says the same: if you use konsideri in the sense of rigardi 6, then kiel + akuzativo.
- mi rigardis la serviston kiel princo (I looked at the servant like I was a prince, i.e. with superiority)
- mi rigardis la serviston kiel princon (I looked at the servant like he was a prince, i.e. as though he was greater than his station)