
Round 2: Vote again on Change.org

FreeXenon, 2009年1月5日

讯息: 22

语言: English

patrik (显示个人资料) 2009年1月6日下午2:26:01

I just voted. rideto.gif And it was a good feeling.

Oleg326756 (显示个人资料) 2009年1月6日下午10:28:03

Thank you so much, everybody, all of you who voted!!! It's of incredible importance and every vote counts! Please encourage all your colleagues, relatives, classmates and family members to register at Change.org and vote for http://www.change.org/ideas/view/introduce_esperan...

ceigered (显示个人资料) 2009年1月7日下午3:17:12


I have voted but I do have to voice concerns about how some Esperantists (none here) seem to be treating Esperanto like a replacement for English - I'm just mildly worried that English could (in the future) deteriorate and become treated like the great oppressor of the past. I know it's odd of me, but I'd like to take the opportunity to remind people that all languages are beautiful and should be treated as such ridulo.gif

Ok my romantic/idealist spill is over. Good to see Esperanto made it into round two!

mnlg (显示个人资料) 2009年1月7日下午5:36:08

Ceigered: I believe that people cause mischief, not necessarily languages, so don't worry; any hatred will only be directed to English speakers, not to English itself okulumo.gif

Just kidding of course!

I haven't voted yet, but I might do so today.

Rogir (显示个人资料) 2009年1月7日下午8:21:50

Well, Esperanto is intended to be the worldwide auxiliary language, and replace English in that role, and eventually fulfil that role even better. But surely English won't be replaced in any national affairs in the US, the UK, Australia or other English-speaking countries.

enwilson (显示个人资料) 2009年1月7日下午9:10:16

Sidebar: the last time I looked at the list, I kind of hoped that some of the redundant ones would be bundled together. There are three separate proposals to legalize marijuana that were in the top 10 which would push a few things out of qualification.

ceigered (显示个人资料) 2009年1月8日上午8:29:56

@ mnlg: Ha ha ha, that made me laugh (and alternatively cower in fear) lango.gif

@ Rogir: Well I know English will never get replaced in Australia, we're too lazy and stubborn to bother changing languages okulumo.gif

@ enwilson: Surely they will do something to counter that, it would be a sad waste of time if Obama ends up getting ten separate proposals just to legalise marijuana, especially when there are also many other great proposals out there.

Senlando (显示个人资料) 2009年1月8日下午11:54:46

No need to legalize marijuana, just wait till Canada dose, and you guys (Americans) can come visit! It'd be like the Netherlands right next door! hahahaha

As for Esperanto taking over as the native language of the Canadians, Americans, Australians, NZlanders, Britz, and all the other English speaking nations in the world, I don't think that will ever happen, as people still tend to prefer to use their own languages amongst themselves, and with the huge database of books, music, movies and just plain knowledge in English, English will remain somewhat important.
Esperanto would only be used, when communicating with people internationally or within countries with many languages, like perhaps in Canada, the French would not have to learn English, and The English would not have to learn French, but both can communicate in Esperanto to each other (although i think by learning EO people will be more willing to learn another language as they should).

The Importance of English will diminish, but it would still remain a very important language in the world, and i feel that by no longer being the de facto International language, different Anglophone communities around the world will have more freedom to Localize there own dialect of English and therefor allow the different Englishes (hehe) to develop on their own more naturally instead of all becoming more polarized to try to form one standard.

anyways thats my personal idea, of what could happen to English if Esperanto was ever accepted as the international language.

ceigered (显示个人资料) 2009年1月10日下午3:45:37

Mmm I never actually thought of that Senlando - can't wait then, I've been wanting Australian English to diverge without 'offending other speakers' ha ha ridulo.gif (I love my language, but because we use so many 'vulgar' words in Australia normally, it's so hard to communicate with foreigners without slipping-up lango.gif)

enwilson (显示个人资料) 2009年1月17日下午5:56:28

It looks like the round 2 voting is over, and while the E-o initiative didn't make the top 10, it did "bubble under" as one of the 25 runners-up. The final second round tally was 3,597 votes.
We also want to recognize the additional 25 ideas that received over 2500 votes, each of which attracted an impressive community. We are excited to be able to support these and other ideas as well over the next year as we build out a broader platform for individuals and organizations to promote the changes they seek.
And yes, there was only one pot proposal in the top 10, which means the place may not be run by robots after all. lango.gif
