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The first musical TV in Esperanto !

від erikano, 26 січня 2009 р.

Повідомлення: 20

Мова: English

erikano (Переглянути профіль) 23 лютого 2009 р. 10:16:10


LERNU TV - por infanoj
I forgot to say that this one (lernu por infanoj) is also - maybe - a good way to learn for adults (all the "mazi en gondolando" and several short-videos)

Try, and tel me !

russ (Переглянути профіль) 24 лютого 2009 р. 12:58:11

ceigered:While we're on topic, what are the most punk/pop/alt rocky bands out there singing in lingvo universala?
Perdita Generacio is a Swedish Esperanto band with an alt/experimental rock style that's hard to describe. I recommend checking them out. I have some of their melodies permanently stuck in my head now.

Ailanto (Переглянути профіль) 24 лютого 2009 р. 14:13:55

ceigered:While we're on topic, what are the most punk/pop/alt rocky bands out there singing in lingvo universala?
Perdita Generacio is a Swedish Esperanto band with an alt/experimental rock style that's hard to describe. I recommend checking them out. I have some of their melodies permanently stuck in my head now.
This one is permanently stuck in my head, one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard: Valso kun komunistino. Not punk, pop/alt maybe, and I'm not sure it's representative of their work, doesn't sound like the others I've heard. Sed bonege! Maybe I'm just in love with that voice.

erikano (Переглянути профіль) 18 квітня 2009 р. 22:45:43

Here some news from my "Esperanto music TV" :

Now, I've found (and selected...) about 75 songs with videos.

Go and see it ! And send me a message if you know others good musical-videos in ESperanto.

Rogir (Переглянути профіль) 19 квітня 2009 р. 00:12:36

Today someone created this online tv channel. It seems to show mostly esperanto spoken cartoons. Quite useful nevertheless.

erikano (Переглянути профіль) 27 травня 2009 р. 10:10:16

Rogir says : "created this online tv channel"

This is iom stranga channel... there are filmetoj, sxajnantaj "religious" or something like that..

Did'nt you make any erarojn in this link, Rogir ? The link seems to be changed (now redirected automatike al "http://www.livestream.com/esperanton")
Or do I make any erarojn myself ?

(sorry for my... "entglish", Mi spikas only "esperantglish" actually ! lango.gif )

In the MUSICAL TV, samtempe, now : 77 songs kun videos !

ceigered (Переглянути профіль) 27 травня 2009 р. 14:30:15

Perdita Generacio is a Swedish Esperanto band with an alt/experimental rock style that's hard to describe. I recommend checking them out. I have some of their melodies permanently stuck in my head now.
This is a bit late of me but it appears I accidentally skipped over this post before

I like the sound. It seems a bit, I dunno, down to earth (e.g. the opposite spectrum to fall out boy ridego.gif).
I also noticed what I think was their accent which was a nice change from a lot of other Esperanto bands I've been exposed to which speak very clearly and pronounce things perfectly (it seems like La Perdita Generacio kinda skip the 'r' in words like rigaRdas lango.gif)

Ailanto:This one is permanently stuck in my head, one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard: Valso kun komunistino. Not punk, pop/alt maybe, and I'm not sure it's representative of their work, doesn't sound like the others I've heard. Sed bonege! Maybe I'm just in love with that voice.
Once again, late reply, but that's a pretty snazzy song! Beautiful vocals, ankaŭ!

qwertz (Переглянути профіль) 29 травня 2009 р. 11:33:01

I would call the La Perdita Generacio sound "Folk Rock". Yes, I like this sound, too. For your interest: There excists six LPG karaokeo versionoj.




erikano (Переглянути профіль) 26 червня 2009 р. 23:20:41

I have made a new web tv channel :


Link :

Songs from all the world, often famous songs, in many languages, but : not any in ENGLISH !

To send me any (musical) suggestion, please* do it only into the Eo forum, there :


(*: I d'ont speak and hunderstand enough english for being there frequently. Actually, I must use the VORTARO to translate from Eo to english)

erikano (Переглянути профіль) 9 лютого 2010 р. 20:27:35

NEWS : Now the music Channel http://worldtv.com/esperanto_muziko_tv/ reach (more than) 100 music-videos !!

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