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Can participles be overlapped in expressing some meanings?

от Rueya, 31 января 2009 г.

Сообщений: 33

Язык: English

RiotNrrd (Показать профиль) 20 февраля 2009 г., 21:13:36

Yes, I now understand. And it does make sense.

What troubles me is that NONE of my learning materials, even when devoting many pages to the participles, mention this point at all. Teach Yourself Esperanto, Step By Step In Esperanto, Being Colloquial In Esperanto, The Esperanto Teacher - not a one of them mentions anything about it. And it seems like a fairly important point.

ceigered (Показать профиль) 21 февраля 2009 г., 14:04:09

Russ, you should be a primary school grammar teacher! That's the kind of instruction we need more of nowadays okulumo.gif (well, so I gather from what RiotNrrd said)

russ (Показать профиль) 22 февраля 2009 г., 6:22:05

ceigered:Russ, you should be a primary school grammar teacher!
Well, I do teach English as a foreign language now... ridulo.gif
