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Accusative with compound?

от Halcyon, 16 февраля 2010 г.

Сообщений: 38

Язык: English

ceigered (Показать профиль) 19 февраля 2010 г., 17:52:24

You meanies completely ignored poor j0ma rido.gif

"hundmanĝi" to me goes in that makeshift category of words I've got where the meaning's so darn vague you might as well use it however you want, and if you want to makes perfect clear sense then just avoid it. In case of "manĝi" though, if placed with something that can actually be eaten in front of it, I'd say the general meaning would lean towards eating that thing.

E.g. hundmanĝi (laŭ mi) = manĝi hundon, sed maŝinmanĝi (laŭ mi) = manĝi kiel maŝino.

Hundurini = urini kiel hundo, ne eligi hundojn kiel urino malgajo.gif, sed tabasksaŭcurini = eligi tabasksaŭco kiel urino.

Kaj tiel plu sal.gif

tommjames (Показать профиль) 19 февраля 2010 г., 18:04:20

E.g. hundmanĝi (laŭ mi) = manĝi hundon
This is a bad way of looking at it, because it shows an object. In "hundmanĝi" there is no object. Just an action and something that describes the manner of that action. You can hundmanĝi and not necessarily manĝi an actual hundon.

PMEG:Tiaj kombinoj signife diferencas de la duvortaĵoj skribi letero(j)n, doni voĉo(j)n k.t.p. En skribi leteron la objekto montras konkretan objekton de la skribado, dum en leterskribi LETER nur karakterizas la specon de skribado.
It is of course true that in reality hundmanĝado will probably involve the actual eating of dogs, just as fiŝkaptado will probably involve the actual catching of fish (if you're any good!), and leterskribado will involve the actual writing of a letter. However this is incedental. "Hundmanĝi" doesn't show any object, so it's wrong to assume there is one, as in "manĝi hundon".

Roberto12 (Показать профиль) 19 февраля 2010 г., 18:43:11

darkweasel:A reĝmortigisto is somebody who kills a king, in probably most cases.
If the word is translated as "royal assassin" for example, it really is ambiguous. The problem is that Esperanto compounds don't contain morphological information pertaining to the relationship between the ingredients. In this case the possible relationships are de and -on.

I might as well point out that there's no ambiguity in the corresponding Volapük compounds because they do specify the relationship. rideto.gif

tommjames (Показать профиль) 19 февраля 2010 г., 19:06:08

Roberto12:I might as well point out that there's no ambiguity in the corresponding Volapük compounds because they do specify the relationship.
Interesting. Do you have a few examples off the top of your head?

Roberto12 (Показать профиль) 19 февраля 2010 г., 19:50:34

tommjames:Interesting. Do you have a few examples off the top of your head?
Not off the top of my head, but having looked in a dictionary, I can report the following:

"Regideidan" = monarch-killer
"Regadeidan" = killer of/for a monarch

And also:

"Regodeidan" = monarch-like killer

Let's all migrate to Volapük! rido.gif

tommjames (Показать профиль) 19 февраля 2010 г., 20:15:00

Roberto12:Let's all migrate to Volapük!
Golobsöd! okulumo.gif

Rogir (Показать профиль) 19 февраля 2010 г., 21:15:54

In Esperanto you could add the accusative ending in the compound to take away all ambiguity.

darkweasel (Показать профиль) 19 февраля 2010 г., 21:24:29

Rogir:In Esperanto you could add the accusative ending in the compound to take away all ambiguity.
No, you couldn't because N-endings are always removed from the non-main parts of a compound.

tommjames (Показать профиль) 19 февраля 2010 г., 21:33:51

Rogir:In Esperanto you could add the accusative ending in the compound to take away all ambiguity.
No, you couldn't because N-endings are always removed from the non-main parts of a compound.
Just to add, there are some exceptions to this.. sinteno, sinfido, sindefendo etc. But yes, besides that you don't put the object marker in a compound.

PMEG:Normale N-finaĵoj (same kiel J-finaĵoj) forfalas ene de kunmetitaj vortoj.

povas ĉion (fari) → ĉion povas → [ĉion povas]-A → ĉiopova = tia, ke oni povas ĉion fari (ne *ĉionpova*, N-finaĵoj forfalas ene de frazetvortoj)

ceigered (Показать профиль) 20 февраля 2010 г., 18:41:45

E.g. hundmanĝi (laŭ mi) = manĝi hundon
This is a bad way of looking at it, because it shows an object. In "hundmanĝi" there is no object. Just an action and something that describes the manner of that action. You can hundmanĝi and not necessarily manĝi an actual hundon.
I know, it's altogether a terrible way to do things when you could just say "VI MANĜIS HUNDOJN?! ELIRI MIAN DOMON NUN!". It does get complicated talking about actions though, e.g. "Mi ŝatas la manĝon de hundojn" (which could mean "I like the eating (that dogs do)" or "(I like eating dogs) - luckily in this case one could probably say "Mi ŝatas manĝi hundojn" but in "Vian manĝadon de hundoj mi ne tute ŝatas" things get complicated again, unless restructured to "Mi ne tute ŝatas ke vi manĝas hundojn").

Off the top of the head, however, it's easy and looks funny (especially when compared with such sophisticated Esperanto compounds such as al/eligi, kunesti, aldoni and katmanĝi - hold on a sec...)
