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Vote for Esperanto in American schools

viết bởi Halcyon, Ngày 23 tháng 2 năm 2010

Tin nhắn: 48

Nội dung: English

qwertz (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 18:34:04 Ngày 07 tháng 3 năm 2010

Pharoah:The only problem is that in, say, DC, you'd be lucky to get even 10 Esperantists to show up. Such a small group would de-legitimize the movado and make us look even sillier than we already do.
Yes, I agree. That are very less Esperantists. That's the same situation in Munich/Germany, too. The Esperantists are definitelty a minority. But that is nothing to be ashamed about.
I still try to find a way to find out how many people speak Esperanto onsite in Munich. Not showing up doesn't mean that there are no Esperantists onsite. Some people dislike others even if they have the same (Esperanto) hobby.

Pharoah:Just curious, why a farmer's market?
The area where I live regulary market-days happen where you can buy goods from local farmers. So, nobody can complain about the happening of a farmer's market because a farmer's market is a neutral place. Even if the goods would be labeled two-language (i.e. German and Esperanto).

Pharoah (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 22:51:00 Ngày 07 tháng 3 năm 2010

The area where I live regulary market-days happen where you can buy goods from local farmers
Hah, here they're not really that common. I think a lot of it has to do with the way land is planned out here vs. in old Europe. In the US, there are big empty rural farming regions, then small towns, then suburbs, then cities. So, unless you live in a small town on the edge of a bunch of farms, there's really not much locally grown produce to eat.

Only hippies shop at farmers markets anyway lango.gif.

andogigi (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 10:28:09 Ngày 08 tháng 3 năm 2010

I grew up in the town of York, Pennsylvania and we had three of them. I now live in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (the state capital) and we had a farmer's market. It was recently shut down due to a rodent infestation. ploro.gif Even the hippies stopped going... They say they're going to clean it up and open again. Who knows.

ceigered (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 13:52:12 Ngày 08 tháng 3 năm 2010

My state's capital city's version of a farmers market is more like an annual city fair, amusement park, farmers market and agricultural show rolled into one. You'd have to pay a hefty price to get anything in there (unless you're a farmer I think) and even then it's not an ideal place for introducing people to world languages (unless you gave kids EO showbags with little Zam plushies lol. You'd be competing against Pokémon though, even for me rido.gif I CHOOSE YOU, PIKACHU!)

Pharoah (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 15:49:12 Ngày 08 tháng 3 năm 2010

Your mention of Pokemon gives me an interesting idea. What we need is a product that will push interest in Esperanto into popular culture, without only being about the language itself.

andogigi (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 21:47:10 Ngày 08 tháng 3 năm 2010

Pharoah:Your mention of Pokemon gives me an interesting idea. What we need is a product that will push interest in Esperanto into popular culture, without only being about the language itself.
Interesting concept and a fine idea. Would we want something geared towards children or to the public in general?

jan aleksan (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 22:03:41 Ngày 08 tháng 3 năm 2010

I am absolutely against any idea of a Zamenhof pokemon in a green edition lango.gif

ceigered (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 08:38:29 Ngày 09 tháng 3 năm 2010

jan aleksan:I am absolutely against any idea of a Zamenhof pokemon in a green edition lango.gif
Mazi! You grew a plant on your back!

If Zamenhoff was a pokémon, what kind would he be and what moves? Electric + Plant I reckon. Can't think of any decent moves though. Maybe "Idfrakasu!" (Special Type, 150 attack, 75 accuracy) - "Smashes the opposition into submission with a much more extensive literary tradition" rido.gif

darkweasel (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 12:28:02 Ngày 09 tháng 3 năm 2010

jan aleksan:I am absolutely against any idea of a Zamenhof pokemon in a green edition lango.gif
Mazi! You grew a plant on your back!

If Zamenhoff was a pokémon, what kind would he be and what moves? Electric + Plant I reckon. Can't think of any decent moves though. Maybe "Idfrakasu!" (Special Type, 150 attack, 75 accuracy) - "Smashes the opposition into submission with a much more extensive literary tradition" rido.gif
Special Type? Do you mean "???" Type (like Curse)? ("Special" was a stat in RBY, but since GSC it has been split into "Special Attack" and "Special Defense".)

jan aleksan (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 14:29:52 Ngày 09 tháng 3 năm 2010

Li nepre havu la "verdstelaj sxuriken" atakon, kaj la PIV martelon

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