Поруке: 147
Језик: English
k1attack (Погледати профил) 06. март 2010. 19.57.18
On his website:
"Puna (good-language) is a language invented for global communication. It consists of 18 words and each word is 1 syllable. The language consists of only 18 words because if a language is to be global there should be as few words as possible to memorize. There are only 9 phonemes/letters because it is important for it to be as easy to pronounce as possible. In Puna, there are no words for complexities. Each complex word is build from smaller roots. This language also focuses on the positives in life. In order to say "bad" in Puna, you have to put the word "nu" which means "not" with the word "pu" which means "good". The language is completely contextual. If you are with someone and you say "ka", it could mean that it is "sunny", "bright", or "hot". That is an example of how important context is in this language. Most people can learn up to 10 words a day. Within a few days, you should be speaking fluent Puna. Avoid the stress of complexity, avoid the fear of negativity, and communicate with the world."
All the 18 words:
negative, not, no, opposite, question particle (when used at end of sentence): nu
science, logic, understand, knowledge, wisdom, know, believe, sense (feel, touch, taste, see, smell): ki
place, location, space, area, here, there: lu
living thing, animal, human, spirit, life, live: ni
energy, energize, strong, power, powerful, freedom, inspire, confident, free (of control): pi
seed, nut, egg, start, beginning, initial, first, root, origin, source, parent, God: ma
work, active, activate, business, labor, do, act, deed, action, create, make, build: pa
trade, buy, sell, give, take, get, receive, release, send, have, hold, maintain, keep: ku
way, move, go, come, time, period, mobile, motion, direction, path, road, method, skill, technique: mu
subject, verb, object, clause, separator: li
desire, want, need, require, pray for, wish for, wish, prayer: la
good, well, positive, healthy, improve, heal, help, support, benefit, advantage, simple, easy: pu
different, other, edit, change: tu
up, tall, high, heaven, sky, spiritual, formal, religious, religion, spiritual path: ta
sound, voice, noise, talk, say, word, name, music, play (instrument), language: na
light, bright, fire, bright, cook, hot, heat: ka
water, liquid, drink, clean, wash, sauce, wet, aqueous, soup: mi
plant, grass, tree, herb, vegetable, food, fruit, mushroom, medicine: ti
Rogir (Погледати профил) 06. март 2010. 20.27.20
Abras (Погледати профил) 06. март 2010. 20.35.10
Also, how is Toki Pona doing these days?
Pharoah (Погледати профил) 06. март 2010. 20.36.34
The thing about an international language is that it has to be good for more than asking for food and making friends. You have to be able to share knowledge. I can't see any real way to pass on anything worth knowing using Puna.
k1attack (Погледати профил) 06. март 2010. 22.11.16
jan aleksan (Погледати профил) 06. март 2010. 23.00.25
ku=trade, buy, sale, give, take... : when you speak to someone, how to guess that ku is give or take? even the context is not enough (except with a motion).
ceigered (Погледати профил) 07. март 2010. 08.35.26
Anyway, Arpee's pretty cool, and while I wouldn't learn this language I have to say "good on 'im" for his efforts to further explore by practice the world of languages. I've attempted to create a theoretical conlang with A, E, I, O and U, with the basic stops and nasals, with a strict (C)V single syllable word structure. I gave up, coz even though I feel its possible, it's just heck on earth trying to go through all the possibilities and sort things out.
jan aleksan (Погледати профил) 07. март 2010. 12.39.05

ceigered (Погледати профил) 07. март 2010. 12.59.34

Anyway I think p/b, t/d/k/g/, m, a and i are the virtually universal sounds. It wouldn't surprise me if a langauge based on these sounds could be spoken by dolphins - with simple enough grammar (assuming that their purported delphinic-languages have significantly differing grammar that anything other than simple might blow everyone's minds). (this is further based on the assumption that dolphins actually do on occaision mimic human words like they're said to have done before by some scientists).
jan aleksan (Погледати профил) 07. март 2010. 13.03.58