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What language have you personally adopted?

من qwertz, 23 مارس، 2010

المشاركات: 25

لغة: English

qwertz (عرض الملف الشخصي) 2 يونيو، 2010 11:35:33 ص

That's interesting. I was wondering what the ec.europa.eu/avservices/ebs "Language(s): INT" (international?) marker means. Seems to be non-surprising English. Hhm. Sounds like "Anglo = Lingvo Internacia".

Trafosu eksteren vian kuseno kaj kantu laŭte Veke vibru.../jes... okulumo.gif

ninjaaron_0 (عرض الملف الشخصي) 3 يونيو، 2010 5:27:47 م

Wat? I don't get it. I have a mother tongue (English), and I speak the "international language" (English again), and I can speak a few others to some extent, Modern Hebrew being my strongest (not fluent, but on the way), though I generally feel that I would like to disown it, rather than adopt it. I also know several dead languages (some well, some less well) that have to do with my area of study.

What's my adopted language, if I even have one? I might try to do a PhD. in France, so I'm wondering if the EU is interested in cultivating a group of adoptive Akkadian speakers, the longest lived lingua franca EVER! (2,500 BCE to 500 BCE)

Alciona (عرض الملف الشخصي) 4 يونيو، 2010 3:20:50 ص

When I finally finish my PhD and get enough time to become fluent in Esperanto I will then be adopting Auslan (Australian sign language) as my 'personal adopted language'. It makes sense to me from an equal and fair communication viewpoint. Deaf people do what they can to communicate with hearing people so I'd like to be able to meet them part way. When I have children I'd like for them to learn Auslan too. And my cousin is an Auslan interpretter so I'd get plenty of opportunities to use it within my family!

qwertz (عرض الملف الشخصي) 4 يونيو، 2010 8:13:15 ص

So, Pharaoh, your Czech doesn't qualify as it isn't yet a second mother tongue. If ninjaaron_0 is speaking Hebrew because he is in Israel and needs it to transact relationships in that country it is a personal adoptive language. The document was saying that the second language has be be being used--i.e. a 2nd mother tongue. It says nothing to the fact that you want the adoptive language, just that you use it a lot--like a mother tongue.
In my opinion the Maalouf report's aim is to boost multilinguaism (guidelines) and not to enforce multilinguaism by law.

Page 25:

"... B - One of the advantages of our approach is that it does not, in order to be put into practice, need to wait for the national or Community decision makers to decide. Everyone can decide to choose
their personal adoptive language; every country, every town, every municipality, every company, every teaching establishment, can take appropriate initiatives ..."

ceigered (عرض الملف الشخصي) 4 يونيو، 2010 8:14:38 ص

ninjaaron_0: I might try to do a PhD. in France, so I'm wondering if the EU is interested in cultivating a group of adoptive Akkadian speakers, the longest lived lingua franca EVER! (2,500 BCE to 500 BCE)
Putting aside the EU, I doubt France will want to cultivate a group of Akkadian speakers - they have a strict "French is official, the end" approach I believe (which makes things hard for Breton speakers).

qwertz (عرض الملف الشخصي) 4 يونيو، 2010 8:25:51 ص

ninjaaron_0: I might try to do a PhD. in France, so I'm wondering if the EU is interested in cultivating a group of adoptive Akkadian speakers, the longest lived lingua franca EVER! (2,500 BCE to 500 BCE)
Putting aside the EU, I doubt France will want to cultivate a group of Akkadian speakers - they have a strict "French is official, the end" approach I believe (which makes things hard for Breton speakers).
The EU idea definitly is a part of France's society. France is one of the strongest advocators of the EU idea. I don't believe that if talking about french minority language issues someone can put aside the EU thing. In my opinion France is pro Multilinguaism. May be still outside of France? But they accept that Multilinguaism. Otherwise the Malouf Report had never be translated into french (ŝerco okulumo.gif ). And btw. they are no that kind of amused observers like some other European countries governments which even are by themselves are not happy about as English as an deformed EC/EU bridge-language. Like practiced in many EC/EU countries. If somebody insists for it's language and culture inside the EU, then this is France. I'm admire that quite a bit. They are very proud on their culture. And not forgetting to mention that: They expect that everybody else outside France stands for its language and culture, too. Not like - em - ahem - some other black-red-golden cultures closed around Berlin. okulumo.gif

EDE tried some e-o political language advertisment inside France. That could show how "appetizing" a minority language inside France could work. But the videos are in french. I don't understand french. So no warranty about the content. okulumo.gif

EDE video 1 | EDE video 2

ceigered (عرض الملف الشخصي) 4 يونيو، 2010 11:13:11 ص

qwertz:[ EDE video 1 | EDE video 2
Ma tentative pour traduir la vidéo française à Espéranto. okulumo.gif.

Erm, first video, something about how learning English is all well and good except for the part that only England speaks it (Fan of English, haha), and that we should all be able to speak together, we (Europe) need a common language but we all want to protect our own languages (in comes a presumably Polish woman and Spanish man), that language should be neutral, quick to learn, a rich and living language which respects all our (Europe's) cultures.

A young lass continues: "This equitable language already exists, it's one of the most used on the net at the worldwide scale. It's name is Esperanto".

Some fellow continues saying "I speak Esperanto (extended? - had to use Google Translate), it could be the common language for the EU, our second language (for all?), all the other languages would have the same importance".

Enter another lass: "Yeah, that's a great idea, we could speak on equal footing (literally "sur un pied d'égalité"?), we could discuss directly in between Europeans, I (regret - used google translate) that we are left out of the national debates."

A seated monsieur: "Europe is bringing together its economies and states, on the flipside, at the side of bringing people together, something is missing"

The return of the young lass: "Esperanto will help the European populations grow together (Esperante)"
Woman nearby: ditto (in French).

A deseated monsieur: "Together we can give the European Project a soul. One language for Europe, voilà, a real proposition"

"For a multilingual Europe, more friendly (convivial) and more democratic, to support this unifying project, let's vote EDE"

Cut to English Fanboy being gagged going "ouf!!!!" rido.gif

qwertz (عرض الملف الشخصي) 4 يونيو، 2010 1:21:16 م

Haha! rido.gif Thanks ceigered bringing that insigth view to the world. Hhm, I should give learning french a 3th trial.

ceigered (عرض الملف الشخصي) 4 يونيو، 2010 1:26:46 م

qwertz:Haha! rido.gif Thanks ceigered bringing that insigth view to the world. Hhm, I should give learning french a 3th trial.
3rd m'lad okulumo.gif - I reckon this is why words like "First, second, third, fourth, fifth" etc should be spelt with -e at the end, then we can do "3e" like the Esperanta "3a".

And thanks qwertz for posting those videos, I'm studying French at the moment at university and I need practice with it - pity there isn't as much time to practice my Indonesian (I'm also doing that at uni).

I wonder what would happen if English split up, what happens to the adoptive language strategy then for English speakers.... "My native language is ____ and I speak English, American, Australian, and a spot of New Zealander".

qwertz (عرض الملف الشخصي) 4 يونيو، 2010 1:37:28 م

qwertz:Haha! rido.gif Thanks ceigered bringing that insigth view to the world. Hhm, I should give learning french a 3th trial.
3rd m'lad okulumo.gif - I reckon this is why words like "First, second, third, fourth, fifth" etc should be spelt with -e at the end, then we can do "3e" like the Esperanta "3a".
Darned. Yes, I remember. 3rd, 3rd, 3rd, 3rd...

I wonder what would happen if English split up, what happens to the adoptive language strategy then for English speakers.... "My native language is ____ and I speak English, American, Australian, and a spot of New Zealander".
"Ach so, schon oder?" I see, do you? okulumo.gif

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