"www" in esperanto.
ya Mariah_A, 7 Aprili 2010
Ujumbe: 29
Lugha: English
horsto (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 10 Aprili 2010 11:56:04 asubuhi
The address simply is: esperanto punkto com
ceigered (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 10 Aprili 2010 12:04:35 alasiri
horsto:Isn't the www already an archaism? You don't need it when you type an address using a modern browser. So why vocalize it?I'd debate against that. On occasion there is a difference between website.com and www.website.com.
The address simply is: esperanto punkto com
This is one example. In a perfect world there wouldn't be any problem though, we'd just type in "lernu!" or "forum of lernu! in English" and voilà (no doubt something Google would like, or like to administer).
(ah wait - you mention vocalising, in which case I agree, everyone nowadays really knows the process so skipping "http://www." shouldn't be a problem. Sorry

(edit-2: there are sites that for some reason only work with or without www's so in those cases they should be included or specified)
RiotNrrd (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 10 Aprili 2010 4:39:53 alasiri
It'll still get you there.
To my mind, in cases where it doesn't matter (which is most cases), the "www" is an archaism. I usually put "ttt" in my blog's URL solely to esperantize it.
qwertz (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 10 Aprili 2010 10:18:09 alasiri
horsto:For me, that are new news on the top of the news, too.
k1attack:The reason why there isn't a "w" is because many people (e.g. Germans) can't distinguish between "w" and "v".That's interesting, I didn't know that.

Hispanio: I also heard "vo vo vo" in Radio Verda.That seems to be the way the polish folks pronounce it. Some polish collegues told me. Or better we had a lot of fun with that. They: "vo vo vo". We: "we we we" (Esperanto "E"). But we still could communicate together in english so we finised with - na ..... "double yu double yu double yu". I remember slighlty that we greet that way in the morning. The job as an accounter makes you crazy, you know.

k1attack (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 12 Aprili 2010 7:54:59 alasiri
darkweasel (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 12 Aprili 2010 7:57:37 alasiri
k1attack:w w w is like vv vv vv, isn't it?I'm not sure what exactly you mean by "www is like vvvvvv". Of course W and V are two different letters, the latter of which exists in Esperanto, while the first one doesn't.
woodyshakti (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 13 Aprili 2010 1:46:18 asubuhi
kris42 (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 13 Aprili 2010 12:31:06 alasiri
www.domain.com is not ( always ) the same as domain.com just technical adjustment.
www= ttt
or just intereto
LyzTyphone (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 15 Aprili 2010 6:10:10 alasiri
k1attack:w w w is like vv vv vv, isn't it?Technically, more like uu uu uu