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Esperanto Beatz 2010 Grein/Austria, July 10/ 2010

viết bởi qwertz, Ngày 15 tháng 4 năm 2010

Tin nhắn: 5

Nội dung: English

qwertz (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 17:33:37 Ngày 15 tháng 4 năm 2010

There are some folks in Austria/Europe who make some kind of advertisment for Esperanto - without beeing Esperantists. It's a small town called Grein and they have a historical named "Esperanto Platz" (Esperanto Square) 5 meters near the Danube river. Okay, having a Esperantoplatz is not something special. But - at this Esperantoplatz is a training court for skateboarding located. So they shatter with their skateboards at this place from the morning until the sunset. "Esperanto, vom Morgen bis zum Sonnenuntergang". 1:44 min til 1:47 min. ("Esperanto, from the morning until the sunset"). I assume it should be "Esperantoplatz" instead of "Esperanto" only. But it seems to be better for rhyming this way. Why they didn't use "Esperanto Placo"?

And - they organized a small Hip Hop/Reggae music festival called "Esperanto Beatz" which will happen this year the 3rd time at this "Esperanto Placo". (July 10, 2010). They also named the local youth club "Esperanto". I don't know until yet if there excist interest in the esperanto language by itself. Anyway, that's, ehm cool/mojosa. okulumo.gif

jan aleksan (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 17:23:43 Ngày 16 tháng 4 năm 2010

Interesa. tamen povas ankaux esti ke ili ecx ne scias kio estas esperanto (eble pensante ke gxi estas hispana vorto, aux nomo de homo, ktp)

ceigered (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 17:52:12 Ngày 17 tháng 4 năm 2010

jan aleksan:Interesa. tamen povas ankaux esti ke ili ecx ne scias kio estas esperanto (eble pensante ke gxi estas hispana vorto, aux nomo de homo, ktp)
Interesting. However (it) is possible also that they do not even know what Esperanto is (possibly thinking that it is a Spanish word, or a name of a person, etc).

jan aleksan (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 21:50:15 Ngày 17 tháng 4 năm 2010

jan aleksan:Interesa. tamen povas ankaux esti ke ili ecx ne scias kio estas esperanto (eble pensante ke gxi estas hispana vorto, aux nomo de homo, ktp)
Interesting. However (it) is possible also that they do not even know what Esperanto is (possibly thinking that it is a Spanish word, or a name of a person, etc).
Ahh... I even didn't noticed I had to respond in english... senkulpa.gif

qwertz (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 16:01:39 Ngày 18 tháng 4 năm 2010

jan aleksan:Interesa. tamen povas ankaux esti ke ili ecx ne scias kio estas esperanto (eble pensante ke gxi estas hispana vorto, aux nomo de homo, ktp)
Interesting. However (it) is possible also that they do not even know what Esperanto is (possibly thinking that it is a Spanish word, or a name of a person, etc).
The music festival will be hold at this local Esperanto Placo. So they named the festival "Esperanto Beatz 2010". If it would be different or if they had some Esperanto language skill background they would use "Esperanto Batoj 2010". In my opinion it doesn't relate to the Esperanto Language. That doesn't mean that it could not be interesting for esperantists to travel to this "Esperanto Beatz 2010" music festival or bring some esperanto language flavour to, isn't it?

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