Esperanto Hiphopo vs Krok' Hip Hop
de qwertz, 17 avril 2010
Messages : 43
Langue: English
ceigered (Voir le profil) 22 avril 2010 14:48:35
erinja:Aren't we forgetting "yay" and "nay"?darkweasel:We already have this problem in Austrian German, where we sometimes use the dialectal na for "no" (normally nein), which can sound similar to ja ("yes").We also have that in English, "yeah" and "nah".
No problems with confusion in English, though, the vowels of yeah and nah are totally different.

erinja (Voir le profil) 22 avril 2010 14:54:50
ceigered:Aren't we forgetting "yay" and "nay"?"Yea" and "Nay", right?
Now we're getting archaic! Or parliamentary! Or both!
Uvi (Voir le profil) 11 mai 2010 20:56:58
Platano kaj Emĉjo: JES, JES, JO Youtube
Platano kaj Emĉjo: JES, JES, JO Vikio Kantaro
Hip Hop Karaoke Essex : Wu Tang Clan - C.R.E.A.M.

So, bringing it back to the subject matter. I think Pafklik's shot at C.R.E.A.M. needs work on the flow. But they've got cool lyrics. To me, classics are classics, man. Nobody does Wu like Wu does it.

Eterne Rima's definitely worth his salt, especially as a producer.
By the way, we're working on Vol. 2 of the Hiphopa Kompilo. Good stuff comin' up

Starkman (Voir le profil) 11 mai 2010 21:38:22
darkweasel:Ah, yes, but is it Kosher or Sea salt? See, that's the only stuff to cook with. So I wil say to you..."Got sal'?"qwertz:Sal',Thanks, but I have enough salt (salo).
(Oh well, it was an attempt at humor, I suppose!)
qwertz (Voir le profil) 12 mai 2010 13:14:45
So, bringing it back to the subject matter. I think Pafklik's shot at C.R.E.A.M. needs work on the flow. But they've got cool lyrics. To me, classics are classics, man. Nobody does Wu like Wu does it.But Espo rap's got some rising talent.
Eterne Rima's definitely worth his salt, especially as a producer.
By the way, we're working on Vol. 2 of the Hiphopa Kompilo. Good stuff comin' up
Good news!

Btw: Café Espéranto event in Paris seems to develop to a regulary small e-o Hiphopo kampo. There are some pictures at ipernity.
Hip-hop in esperanto ĉe Ipernity
@Starkman: Sorry I didn't got it.
qwertz (Voir le profil) 5 juin 2010 20:39:35
at the next FESTO in Toulouse/France there will happen some e-o hiphopo tujrimado demonstration. Few days before I tripped over that ideo (tujrimado/Freestyle training). Since then I didn't get any sleep before portas tion idea al Esperantujon. /ŝerco But I found a way. The result is not that perfect like the original. But it works.
edit: new slide shelf. You can download the e-o tujrimado Powerpoint or OpenOffice Impress slides from here.
qwertz (Voir le profil) 11 juin 2010 08:38:46
erinja:If I really wanted a two-syllable greeting, I'd probably go with "sluton" - like "saluton", but getting rid of the first "a". It sounds like a more informal version of the usual greeting.Using "Sluton" it did encounter to me several times that people believe that I did some misspelling. So, keeping "e-o" as shortform for "esperanto" in mind I will use "S-luton" the next time as an two syllable informal greeting. Should be fine, ĉu ne?
I personally use "hej" for informal greetings, or even "ej". But it's often accompanied by another greeting.
Hej, kiel vi?
Hej, vi estas ĉi tie!
Hej, delonge mi ne vidis vin!
In that sense, the "Hej" is not such a "short" greeting for me, because I very often accompany it with something else.
ceigered (Voir le profil) 11 juin 2010 12:40:19

qwertz (Voir le profil) 11 juin 2010 12:53:12
ceigered:How about s'luton (using the French/English system of contracting words)? (When I see s-luton I subconciously think "S-solder" (as if it's a brand name of solderHhm, I still thought about that, but the Apostrofo still has a meaning in e-o. Maybe "S*luton"? The "*" font on my computer looks a bit like the traditional 5 laces e-o star. Because I dislike that flag due to historical reasons, for me S°luton would be fine. But I still have to check how widespread that "°" charakter is on internatinal keyboard layouts.. Funnily enough, "sal" means salt, so it seems all EO short greetings will refer to some form of mineral anyway)
Apostrofo Example: lyrics of the La Perdita Generacio music group.
ceigered (Voir le profil) 11 juin 2010 13:51:00
qwertz:If I understood that page correctly, the apostrophe doesn't have any meaning, it's used for contracting words, but the only words that can be contracted (in standard Esperanto) are nouns (thus "la kat' konas min" but not "la kat' kon' min").ceigered:How about s'luton (using the French/English system of contracting words)? (When I see s-luton I subconciously think "S-solder" (as if it's a brand name of solderHhm, I still thought about that, but the Apostrofo still has a meaning in e-o.. Funnily enough, "sal" means salt, so it seems all EO short greetings will refer to some form of mineral anyway)