
Esperanto vs others

貼文者: k1attack, 2010年5月3日

訊息: 52

語言: English

jan aleksan (顯示個人資料) 2010年5月5日下午3:18:09

erinja:Back to the "who is an Esperantist" debate, I would say than an "esperantisto" is someone who actively uses the language, whether they are promoting it or not.
OK, let say that, but I do prefer esperanto-parolanto.

The problem is that it' damn long... because the suffix for the speaker of a language is missing BUT we won't get into an other debate about reforming esperanto okulumo.gif

Note that a french people (franco) doesn't necesarilly mean a french speaker (francparolanto).

Demian (顯示個人資料) 2010年5月5日下午3:18:43

There isn't enough data, therefore, it is no use discussing, if Esperanto is better than others or not.

qwertz (顯示個人資料) 2010年5月5日下午3:56:03

For me Esperanto is a language tool so I would name me "e-o uzanto". To motivate myself improving my e-o language skills casually I try to wrap this process with some entertainment shell. (As long there is no interesting e-o culture onsite). That's it. rideto.gif

andogigi (顯示個人資料) 2010年5月5日下午5:08:27

jan aleksan:
Give it a try! I tried I definitely prefer japanese. It is really straitforward.

Maybe you say that because your mother language is english, so clusters consonnants don't bother you.

(note that Japanese is not CV, but (C)(Y)V(V)(N), or something like this ).
I speak Japanese and I will freely admit that it is much easier to pronounce than Polish. You might be onto something, however, in saying that my native language is English. Still, I have to tell you Polish "looks" like it is impossible, but it actually fairly simple. I just never saw the number of consonants as an impediment.

darkweasel (顯示個人資料) 2010年5月6日上午5:09:06

jan aleksan:
Note that a french people (franco) doesn't necesarilly mean a french speaker (francparolanto).
I'm slightly annoyed by people calling me a germano just because my first language is German. "German Wikipedia" and "English Wikipedia" are other terms I try to avoid and replace by "German-language" and "English-language".

Evildela (顯示個人資料) 2010年5月6日上午7:36:52

I don't know what I'd call myself but...

I didn't learn Esperanto because of the final victory ideals or anything like that. I learnt it for these two reasons:

1) I wanted to learn a secondary language, I figured if I failed at Esperanto then I'd have no hope at say -German.

2) I also liked the idea of a perfected language. As human beings we are continually inventing new methods to make our lives easier, faster, better ect... thus in my mind languages are just something else that needs perfecting. I figured if I ever have children, then I'd want to give them advantages in life, consequently Esperanto feels like the next natural step up from English or any other evolved language. I would teach them Esperanto and English in childhood. Thus they'd have a foot in the door for future language development.

So does that make me an Esperantist in training? After all I’m still learning the language. lango.gif

ceigered (顯示個人資料) 2010年5月6日上午9:09:06

Evildela:So does that make me an Esperantist in training? After all I’m still learning the language. lango.gif
Maybe an "Esperantistĉjo" or "Esperantisteto" lango.gif

k1attack (顯示個人資料) 2010年5月6日下午12:02:05

Evildela:As human beings we are continually inventing new methods to make our lives easier, faster, better ect...*
Reminds me of something I've looked at some while ago... Oh yeah...

It's not just languages, but our calendar as well. It has many problems (like the fact that we often have to know what day of the week each date is, and the number of days each month has), but there are many calendar reform proposals. I've often changed my mind about which calendar's "the best", but know I know that the Symmetry454 calendar is "the best" (like how Esperanto is "the best" conlang):

January - 28 days
February - 35 days
March - 28 days
April - 28 days
May - 35 days
June - 28 days
July - 28 days
August - 35 days
September - 28 days
October - 28 days
November - 35 days
December - 28 days (but 35 days in leap years every 6 or 5 years)

Every week, month, quarter and year begins with a Monday!

ceigered (顯示個人資料) 2010年5月6日下午12:20:50

That IS a nice calendar! (I wouldn't say "I know that ... is the best" though, gives the wrong impression. Unless you've been to the future and back and there's nothing better coming down the line).

Looking at similar calendar reforms on wikipedia, it seems to be the best out of all of them that I can find. It would be nice if we could get rid of the need for a leap year, but hey, leap years keep us waiting for something at least lango.gif. Plus, I doubt historians want to have to recalculate when the Russian revolution happened for yet another calendar system. Additionally, those quarters from just a quick think to myself seem to suit Australian seasons well Q1 = Hot season, Q2 = Getting slightly cold and wet season, Q3 = Crazy temperature changes and hayfever season, Q4 = Hot Season II: Attack of the Clones.

k1attack (顯示個人資料) 2010年5月6日下午12:24:54

Here in England, it's:

Q1 = Very cold season, Q2 = Still cold season, Q3 = Cool (but getting colder at the end), Q4 = Cold season II: Attack of the Clones.

Looking at conlanguages (Esperanto) reminded me of looking at concalendars (Sym454). They have a lot of things in common:

1) They're both made by someone
2) They're both regular
3) They both eliminate a lot of problems which existing calendars/languages have
4) I've often been in a confusion about which concal/conlang is the best. But now I've stuck to one conlang/concalendar.
