Resourses for vocabulary
貼文者: Starkman, 2010年5月9日
訊息: 68
語言: English
qwertz (顯示個人資料) 2010年6月4日下午1:47:17
ceigered:What's that?
As for my 2000 posts, thanks y'all. At the rate I'm going, I expect to hit 3000 this time next yearPity that there's more carp than substance to my posts
(replace "carp" with the word some of you might say when you see that fish!!!)

ceigered (顯示個人資料) 2010年6月4日下午1:51:36
qwertz (顯示個人資料) 2010年6月4日下午2:12:22
ceigered:Possibly a Mirror carp? But change the a and r around and that's what I said when I saw it at least.Okay

NiteMirror (顯示個人資料) 2010年6月5日上午8:12:12
ceigered:Possibly a Mirror carp? But change the a and r around and that's what I said when I saw it at least.Mirror? oh, not me -- sorry, wasn't paying attention.
3rdblade (顯示個人資料) 2010年6月5日上午10:43:45
ceigered:Everyone take a deap breath of the good stuff and remain calm!Por trankviligi, mi sidas kutime kviete sub arbo en la granda, plata, herbkovrita loko malantaŭ mia domo, kiu mi posedas.

lavagulo (顯示個人資料) 2010年6月5日下午1:36:57
Mi ankaŭ kutime ripozas kviete sur mia verda, (sed ne absolute plata) herbkovrita propraĵo. Tie mi rigardas kaj aŭskultas la birdojn kaj trankviliĝas.
[ I also usually rest quietly on my green (but not absolutely flat) grasscovered property. There I watch and listen to the birds and become calm. ]

ceigered (顯示個人資料) 2010年6月5日下午3:05:40
lavagulo:(but not absolutely flat)This brings up an important question - what is "knoll" in Esperanto? Was the assassinator of JFK by an altaĵeto (a hillockock?

lavagulo (顯示個人資料) 2010年6月5日下午3:36:21
La maljuna gnomo sidis sur teraltaĵo kun kulo sur la kapo. ( The old gnome sat on a knoll with a gnat on his head. )
As for the rest, you'll have to ask someone smarter than I am.