Mensagens: 5
Idioma: English
J_W (Mostrar o perfil) 19 de maio de 2010 04:02:18
I'm not very good as you can probably tell

Thought i'd introduce myself to the lernu! community before undertaking Esperanto.
3rdblade (Mostrar o perfil) 19 de maio de 2010 10:54:35
ceigered (Mostrar o perfil) 19 de maio de 2010 11:19:22
J_W:I'm not very good as you can probably tellHey, most people who haven't started a language would't even be able to say "My name is" in it most of the time so you're doing well

Miland (Mostrar o perfil) 19 de maio de 2010 11:47:57
J_W:Saluton, mia nomo estas James Waters .. i decided to attempt to learn.Saluton, kaj bonvenon! Mi nomiĝas Miland. There is a good variety of beginner's courses here that may suit you, and are worth trying - it is not necessary to complete them all. Mi estas komencanto is a good place to begin. Others that may suit you include Bildoj kaj demandoj and Vojaĝu kun Zam.
Take it steadily, and feel free to ask questions.
Frankouche (Mostrar o perfil) 21 de maio de 2010 21:52:14
Ĉu vi komprenas min sen via nasklingvo ?
Tio magias, ĉu ne ?
Ĝis la revido...

Do you understand me without your native language ?
That's magic, isn't it ?
See you soon