訊息: 16
語言: English
Evildela (顯示個人資料) 2010年5月26日下午12:28:28
It is good to hear a positive review of Esperanto in the media, even better is the fact that they defend it from criticism.
Miland (顯示個人資料) 2010年5月26日下午8:00:44
erinja (顯示個人資料) 2010年5月26日下午8:13:33
Miland:Great stuff. You might get a few enquirers at your national congress out of that. I would keep a small supply of introductory booklets ready to hand to them, something like the EAB's Mini-course booklet.Unlikely to attract much in the way of passersby, since our congress is at a hotel in the suburbs. But I'll see what might be possible, as far as printing out a small brochure to have ready.
ceigered (顯示個人資料) 2010年5月27日上午8:49:28
erinja (顯示個人資料) 2010年5月27日下午2:36:34
Not sure why.
It always seemed kind of incongruous for a kind of program like "Car Talk". Two guys with strong Boston accents, talking about cars, and the theme music and interlude music sounds like you're at a hoe-down.
ceigered (顯示個人資料) 2010年5月28日上午9:28:54
erinja:US Public Radio tends to use a lot of folksy country-type music as interludes between programs.I reckon they need more of it - while we're at it, let's get out the celtic music and 70's rock as well. None of this RnB rubbish
Not sure why.
It always seemed kind of incongruous for a kind of program like "Car Talk". Two guys with strong Boston accents, talking about cars, and the theme music and interlude music sounds like you're at a hoe-down.