訊息: 5
語言: English
Francisko1 (顯示個人資料) 2010年5月29日上午11:31:46
"We wanted to make this a good day's journey."
If you can write this sentence with more words, I think it will be very good. And if it is necessary to use Esperanto, use it. Thank you very much.
Francisko J. Garcia
Miland (顯示個人資料) 2010年5月29日下午12:55:50
The original context is the beginning of chapter 15: "We woke late the next morning, ... and, at about ten, set out on what we had determined should be a good day's journey. We agreed that we would pull this morning, as a change from towing.."
In this context, in my view the meaning of "we wanted to make this a good day's journey" is "we wanted this to be a full day of travel." You could translate this as Ni volis fari plenan tagvojaĝon, or Ni volis fari plenan tagon de vojaĝado, if you want to emphasize the day. Alternatively, Ni volis vojaĝi dum la tuta tago. if you want to emphasize the activity.
Scalex (顯示個人資料) 2010年5月29日下午2:07:04
Senegaùlo:Tradusir de una lingua idiotica, como es l'ingles, a una lingua lojica, como esperanto pensa ce es, es como transformar una rana (frog) en una prinsesa...Ĉu vi bonvolus ĉi tie paroli angle ankaŭ? Ĉi tiu estas la "En Angle" sekcio, kaj mi (kaj verŝajne multaj aliaj ĉi tie) ne komprenas la portugalan lingvon. Dankon!
Would you please speak english as here as well well? This is the "In English" section, and I (along with probably many others here) do not understand Portugese. Thanks!
darkweasel (顯示個人資料) 2010年5月29日下午2:58:45
Scalex:I think that this isn't Portuguese but Senegaùlo's new constructed language called Interroman, and I think that it means "translating from an idiomatic language like English to a logical language as Esperanto thinks it is, is like transforming a frog to a princess".Senegaùlo:Tradusir de una lingua idiotica, como es l'ingles, a una lingua lojica, como esperanto pensa ce es, es como transformar una rana (frog) en una prinsesa...Ĉu vi bonvolus ĉi tie paroli angle ankaŭ? Ĉi tiu estas la "En Angle" sekcio, kaj mi (kaj verŝajne multaj aliaj ĉi tie) ne komprenas la portugalan lingvon. Dankon!
Would you please speak english as here as well well? This is the "In English" section, and I (along with probably many others here) do not understand Portugese. Thanks!
ceigered (顯示個人資料) 2010年5月29日下午3:14:39
Scalex:and I (along with probably many others here) do not understand Portugese. Thanks!Not that Portuguese would help too much considering he's not speaking it

I actually thought this was LFN but as Darkweasel said, it appears to be something based off of it made by Senegaùlo (makes more sense that way, I was trying to figure out what all these new words were meant to be as I had never seen them before in Lingua Franca Nova).
Anyway, Senegaùlo as you probably know you have to post these sorts of messages in either "pri cxio cetera" or the last forum for various study groups or at least translate whatever you write into English.
(Attempted translation):Luckily, Senegaùlo, we live in an era where even animals have rights. So I see no problem in letting frogs elect a royal government and princessfor themselves if they evolves the brains to do it
To translate from a idiotic/idiomatic language, like English, to a logical language, like Esperanto thinks that is like transforming a frog into a princess

Seriously though, English isn't like a whole bunch of crazy words put together. It's not like half the world speaks it and the even more idiomatic Chinese because we like speaking gibberish.
(and even in fictional speculative cases like 1984's "Newspeak", languages will always serve the will of the people, and people will never because slaves to language - so let's not go exaggerating the circumstances).