Ujumbe: 11
Lugha: English
Arpee (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 30 Mei 2010 5:41:35 alasiri
Matthieu (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 30 Mei 2010 5:56:25 alasiri
Evildela (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 30 Mei 2010 9:02:07 alasiri
Aslan (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 30 Mei 2010 9:18:15 alasiri
utku (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 30 Mei 2010 9:32:50 alasiri
liti tanipipi tatani nila nilituliti tanipinipipi nila laliti tanipi tatani tapi tataniwith 37 syllables.
I don't believe that 18 root words will be enough for a complete language but if you want to try, I think even two-letter roots are long for such a language. You can simply use letters as root, with a little more difficult pronunciation. (See also Mirad)
For example if you set:
ma=e, ka=i, mi=u, na=n, la=l, pi=p, tu=h, ki=k, lu=c (ĉ), ni=o, pu=v, ku=s, ta=t, li=d, mu=m, ti=y, nu=x (ŝ), pa=rand use "a" as support letter, 30 May 2010" could be written as
day toppa tato ol odhaday topoppa ol laday top tato tap tatoNow there are only 21 syllables, but still so long.
ceigered (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 30 Mei 2010 11:20:53 alasiri
So, I wouldn't write it off by calling it a bad language, rather it's a neat idea, only it's rather useless in terms of international communication, especially since numbers and other concepts, a big driving force in international relations and very important in the transferal of facts and data (things that intelligent beings essentially exist to share) are too hard to express.
Donniedillon (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 31 Mei 2010 2:38:52 asubuhi
ceigered (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 31 Mei 2010 9:39:57 asubuhi
R2D2!:Pulu is to people as (ahem) mental ruining is to computers. Both languages have small vocabulary, are functional and structured; but excessively long.No swearing of such calibre, bonvolu

(even if it is an actual name

But that's kind of what I was thinking - BF is an awesome idea, just not quite as practical.
In all fairness though, even practical languages have funny nuances with them...
Mustelvulpo (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 31 Mei 2010 4:54:56 alasiri
erinja (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 1 Juni 2010 12:22:44 asubuhi
Arpee - come on. You know this is an Esperanto forum. Let's keep it on topic.