Mesaĝoj: 36
Lingvo: English
Reteos (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-06 16:26:03
Ludu! *(like lernu but to play)
Eogamers (english name will make typing easier)
Greenstargamers (speaks for itself)
Verda-stelo-ludoj (green star games)
all that remains is to translate some words?
Butono-batistoj (not sure if this makes sense its meant to be kind of like button bashers)
any ideas guys?
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-06 16:28:50
Reteos:And also Ceigered i just checked out your site, with some better design thats what im thinking of,Sure, feel free to use it if you want (provided you accredit my name for that article, so all the blame for the bad Esperanto goes to me and not you
i really like your article if i could have you onboard with this idea i think it would be a good sucess
i've already just located a man who will host it for me so all that remains is to get a name and to make the site

With the games etc, would I be right in assuming that basically the main scope will be good games that simply don't get the attention they deserve? Because I know some games that aren't necessarily super popular (e.g. god of war/Halo status), but weren't exactly 100% rare (Okami is what I have in mind). Or are you thinking more like Cave story status?
Re site names:
Eoludantoj/Eoluduloj effectively means "Eogamers" in Esperanto if you want to take that path (Eogamers could work if you like the EO+EN idea that's been floating around these days).
Ludu! would need permission from the owners of Lernu!, I assume, so maybe wait until the site is up and running and fully established before asking for that one (then you could change the name if you wanted).
Reteos (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-06 16:33:37
ceigered:where you are coming from is perfect, games that are underrated like Genji and ape escape on the original ps1.Reteos:And also Ceigered i just checked out your site, with some better design thats what im thinking of,Sure, feel free to use it if you want (provided you accredit my name for that article, so all the blame for the bad Esperanto goes to me and not you
i really like your article if i could have you onboard with this idea i think it would be a good sucess
i've already just located a man who will host it for me so all that remains is to get a name and to make the site). And £8/year sounds great, I thought hosting was more like £8/month
With the games etc, would I be right in assuming that basically the main scope will be good games that simply don't get the attention they deserve? Because I know some games that aren't necessarily super popular (e.g. god of war/Halo status), but weren't exactly 100% rare (Okami is what I have in mind). Or are you thinking more like Cave story status?
ages of games isnt important we just want to review and inform people about the hidden gems of gaming and put a new perspective on it. i think as a general rule there will be spelling mistakes etc because its none of our native languages but at least we are making an effort to put our ideas out there in the comunity

Donniedillon (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-06 17:21:42
I have friend who works in the gaming industry (Mythic) who also dabbles esperante who may be interested.
Reteos (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-06 17:25:22

im very happy with all the responce to this idea, if anyone with photoshop would like to mock up some ideas for the logo i would be very happy!
we could post them here
I am having trouble with LUDO as its already a domain so i either need to change it slightly or make a new name
thought i would post a very simple idea i had for the logo
Reteos (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-06 20:47:26
I hope my Esperanto is readable as I tried my hardest on the homepage, it can easily be edited so if anyone has some corrections feel free to help

rano (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-06 20:53:39
Reteos (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-06 23:06:25
im posting it here so someone can help me with my grammar mistakes (most likely ceigered lol)
i will also post this in the esperanto corrections part of the forum too

Evildela (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-07 03:06:37
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-junio-07 04:04:31

I have to say, the way the text is up there looks good even though it isn't a logo.
There are some errors in the text (e.g. adjectives need to agree with nouns in plurality) but I won't go into detail at the moment because I'm *attempting* to get X-Link Kai to work for my PSP. If I don't return alive... Someone else can do the spellchecking

(speaking of which, there's an EO word processor somewhere isn't there? That might be useful if you can hunt it down - Donniedillon or Tommjames or someone equally resourceful might know where it is).