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Word of the Day - Breto

من Chainy, 8 يونيو، 2010

المشاركات: 12

لغة: English

Chainy (عرض الملف الشخصي) 8 يونيو، 2010 10:28:14 ص

I've noticed that in the German and Russian language forums here people have been posting translations of the 'Vorto de la tago'. This seems quite useful at times, so I thought I'd post one here as an example... Please comment if I've made any mistakes!

Breto - shelf

Horizontala tabulo aux plato, por surmeti objektojn. - A horizontal board for placing objects on.

Cxu vi vidis miajn sxlosilojn? - Have you seen my keys?

Jes, ili kusxas sur la breto apud la pordo. - Yes, they're on the shelf next to the door.

Mi ordigis la librojn, cxar estis granda malordo cxe la librobretaro. - I put the books in order, because there was a big mess/muddle on the bookshelf/bookcase.

Sur la fenestrobreto staras belaj floroj. There are white flowers on the window sill.

Tiujn arte dekoraciitajn telerojn mi metos en telerbretaron. I'll put those decorated plates into the plate cupboard.

The definition above says 'tabulo aux plato' - I decided to just translate this as 'board'. None of the uses of 'plato' as shown in ReVo seem very suitable when talking about a shelf, but then maybe 'plato' is more flexible in Esperanto, merging with the idea of 'tabulo' at times...Here are some examples of 'plato' that I took from ReVo


sxtala plato - a sheet of steel
lada plato - a sheet of tin metal
vitra plato - a sheet of glass.


licencplato/ numerplato - (licence) number plate.

Flat area on body:

manplato - palm (of a hand)
piedplato = plando - sole (of foot)

And some other uses:

sxtona plato de tombo - the headstone of a grave.
plato de glavo - the blade of a sword

Here are examples of 'tabulo' from ReVo:


sxaktabulo - a chessboard.
celtabulo - target (board)
gladotabulo - ironing board.
haktabulo/trancxtabulo - chopping board.
negxtabulo - snowboard (Vikipedio also suggests 'negxbreto' here - a 'snow shelf'?!)
plongxtabulo - diving board.
rultabulo - scateboard
surftabulo - surfing board
skribi sur tabulon - to write on the blackboard.


kabano el tabuloj - a hut/cabin made of planks.
"transiri la rivereton per supersxovita tabulo" - to cross the stream with a plank placed across it.

Miland (عرض الملف الشخصي) 8 يونيو، 2010 11:09:17 ص

Chainy:'Vorto de la tago'. This seems quite useful at times, so I thought I'd post one here as an example...
Breto - shelf
Horizontala tabulo aux plato, por surmeti objektojn. - A horizontal board for placing objects on.
Good idea. It should help beginners to learn to think in Esperanto, if words are defined in Esperanto, as well as translated into English (as you have done for breto).

I would use tomboŝtono for "gravestone" myself, as most of the ones I've seen are thicker than objects we call "plates" in English.

ceigered (عرض الملف الشخصي) 8 يونيو، 2010 11:22:24 ص

Jen, eble la unua realiĝo de tiu ĉi ideo en la Angla forumo.

(the translation here is fairly straight forward so beginners can guess, but "realiĝo" roughly means "manifestation" for those going "what the...?").

qwertz (عرض الملف الشخصي) 8 يونيو، 2010 2:22:19 م

The translation of software applications could also be useful to the e-o community.


Just my XX cent/ Aldonige mia mustardon.

Reteos (عرض الملف الشخصي) 9 يونيو، 2010 3:27:19 م

I agree it helps to have alot of Esperanto going into your brain, i have MSN and Facebook both in Esperanto to help me learn, and when im thinking randomly il try to translate the thought as practise.

lavagulo (عرض الملف الشخصي) 9 يونيو، 2010 9:54:55 م

Good post, Chainy. I hope you come up with more like it. This site has a lot of good courses and learning aids. The forum is very helpful and the more experienced users of Esperanto on this site are to be praised for their efforts in helping others. But too many lernu! users try to make this another social site similar to Facebook and other such sites. They just want to chat and go on, and on, and on, about things that have nothing to do with Esperanto. This must be frustrating to those who try to keep the site up and running. Posts like yours help to channel it back towards language learning. The forum posts that I like best have to do with Esperanto usage, grammar and vocabulary -- and this is as it should be!

I'm trying to shift my focus away from the "In English" forum and onto the "In Esperanto" forums. But on those forums, I have to strain my Esperanto ability to its very limits to be able to respond. And on many of the topics, I just don't feel capable of joining in. I manage to post something here and there, not so much because I have something really valuable to contribute, but just to gain experience with using the language.

And... maybe I'm being unfair. Maybe some users are just trying to practice their English as I am trying to practice my Esperanto.

lavagulo (عرض الملف الشخصي) 9 يونيو، 2010 10:11:51 م

Do you know ...? After posting this, I scrolled down and came across Miland's To calm down... thread and I said to myself, "Oh darn! I've stuck my foot in my mouth again! For even though Miland's thread doesn't have much to do about Esperanto, per se, it is interesting and it does deal with how people in other countries live.

Mi opinias, ke kvardek vip-frapoj per malseka nudelo estus adekvata puno. Ĉu vi konsentas?

[ I think that 40 lashes with a wet noodle would be an adequate punishment. Do you agree? ]

Miland (عرض الملف الشخصي) 9 يونيو، 2010 10:26:17 م

lavagulo:Mi opinias, ke kvardek vip-frapoj per malseka nudelo estus adekvata puno. Ĉu vi konsentas?
[ I think that 40 lashes with a wet noodle would be an adequate punish. Do you agree? ]
No need to waste a perfectly good noodle - I've just come back from a good Chinese meal, so there's a worthy cause.

Reteos (عرض الملف الشخصي) 9 يونيو، 2010 10:30:48 م

haha Mi konsentas!
kaj mi neniam uzis la vorton "Estus"
ĉu por hipoteza situacioj?
(Mi estas Komencanto)

ankaŭ, mi uzas la "In English" Forumo, ĉar mi peteblas pri miaj problemoj de Esperanto.
kaj ĝi estas ankaun bona interparoli kun la uzantoj de Lernu.net ridulo.gif

(bedaŭras, ĉu mi skribis erarojn.)

Reteos (عرض الملف الشخصي) 9 يونيو، 2010 11:57:47 م

Reteos:[...] i have MSN and Facebook both in Esperanto [...]
Does an Esperanto version of MSN exist?
this programme when you download allows you to choose the installation language, it has Esperanto. its basically MSN but it runs on non windows format like Ubuntu and mac

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