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Word of the Day - Anticipi

од Chainy, 10. јун 2010.

Поруке: 4

Језик: English

Chainy (Погледати профил) 10. јун 2010. 10.17.26

anticipi - to anticipate (although, as you will see later, other words are often more suitable!)

"Uzi, alproprigi antaux la deca aux kutima tempo."

"Alproprigi" is a tricky one to translate here. My first reaction was 'to appropriate', but my dictionary gives the following definition for this word: "To take for one's own use, typically without the owner's permission". Now, in the above Esperanto sentence, the idea of 'to take for one's own use' seems fitting, but then I'm not sure that 'alproprigi' necessarily conveys the idea of 'without the owner's permission', but I might be wrong. Anyway, due to this doubt, I would translate the sentence thus: "To use or to take before the appropriate or usual time"

"deca" conveys the idea of something conforming with the accepted standards of respectable and moral behaviour, as does the word 'decent' in English. I decided to translate it as 'appropriate', though, because I think 'decent time' can have another meaning in modern English. Eg. "We had a decent time at the party" - as in 'a pretty good time'.

ReVo gives this definition of 'anticipi':
"fari, plenumi, preni ion antaux la konvena, deviga aux kutima tempo." - to do, to fulfil, or to take something before the appropriate, compulsory or usual time.

However, both the Lernu and ReVo definitions seem a bit strange to me. The examples given in ReVo don't seem to support this definition:

"anticipi la estonton ne estas ĉiam prudente" - To anticipate (or 'guess at') the future is not always prudent (or you could say 'sensible' or 'wise', rather than 'prudent' here)

"Mi ne volas anticipi la konkludojn, pri la konkludoj" - I don't want to anticipate the conclusions. (Here, 'anticipate' means 'to guess at'. In this case, you could perhaps use the Esperanto word 'diveni' - Mi ne volas diveni la konkludojn. But, I suppose 'anticipi' focuses on the idea of 'guessing before the conclusions are made", wheras 'diveni' could be refering to conclusions that have already been made by someone else, but you are guessing at what they might be...

To go back to the Lernu examples... "La filmo anticipis la okazaĵojn" - The film anticipated (foresaw) the events. But this is then followed by the very confusing sentence: "montris postvenintajn okazaĵojn antaŭ ol la antaŭirintajn" - showed the subsequent events before the preceding ones. Maybe this is simply a botched attempt at clarification?!

"Ŝi neniam ĝuas per anticipo la estontan sukceson." - She never enjoys prematurely (in anticipation?!) a future success. (Again, I'm not too sure about this one, it sounds a bit odd to me). I suppose the idea is that she never makes an assumption about a possible future success, and so she does not prematurely enjoy it before it has actually been achieved. So, maybe "per anticipo" would be translated as 'prematurely'.

"Ne faru anticipajn konkludojn!" - Don't make any premature conclusions!

The second definition given by Lernu: "Fari, plenumi antaŭ la tempo" - To do, fulfill before time.

"Mi povus pruntedoni al vi monon, ĉar vi kutime anticipas pagon de ŝuldo." - I could lend you the money because you usually pay your debts before they are due. (According to my dictionary, 'anticipate' also has this meaning in English, although it must be a very formal style, as I don't remember coming across it!

"Mi anticipe dankas pro via komplezo." - I thank you in anticipation of your kindness/favour (help)

"Anticipa pago ĉiam akceptiĝas." - Early payment is always accepted

The third definition given by Lernu: "Antaŭtempe imagi, elpensi" - to imagine or to think of something before its time

"La sciencfikcio ofte anticipas la novajn inventojn." - Science fiction often anticipates new inventions.

Chainy (Погледати профил) 10. јун 2010. 10.33.10

LEGENDO - legend

Rakonto pri malnovaj okazaĵoj, en kiu la historiaj faktoj estas intermiksitaj kun imagitaj mirindaĵoj:
- a story about old events, in which the historical facts are mixed with imagined, astonishing things (aspects).

Tiu legendo rakontas pri la origino de la monto. - That legend tells the story about the origin of the mountain.
La avo scias multajn popolajn legendojn. - The grandfather knows many folk legends.
Li estis legenda heroo kaj nun ĉiuj memoras liajn faritaĵojn. - He was a legendary hero and now everyone remembers his feats/deeds (ok, so this is maybe a little embellishment, 'faritajxoj' literally means 'that what he did')

fizikisto (Погледати профил) 10. јун 2010. 12.52.27

leg|enda = must be read rideto.gif
Is it possible to read a hero in "legenda heroo"?

Chainy (Погледати профил) 10. јун 2010. 13.14.21

fizikisto:leg|enda = must be read rideto.gif
Is it possible to read a hero in "legenda heroo"?
ridulo.gif I didn't even think about the '-end-' suffix. But then, I think this suffix is only used very occasionally... And the context usually makes things clear.

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