Messages: 20
Language: English
vincas (User's profile) June 10, 2010, 3:47:23 PM
vincas (User's profile) June 19, 2010, 4:33:09 PM
Miland (User's profile) June 19, 2010, 6:33:18 PM
vincas:Oh, man, I thought that there is a real Zamenhof :]]]Moving pictures with sound didn't appear till 1927, so sadly Zamenhof didn't live to be in them. There are very few recordings of his voice as it is.
qwertz (User's profile) June 21, 2010, 3:13:23 PM
Miland:That remembers me to that video: "La Vocxo de Zamenhof (Carlos Devizia)"vincas:Oh, man, I thought that there is a real Zamenhof :]]]Moving pictures with sound didn't appear till 1927, so sadly Zamenhof didn't live to be in them. There are very few recordings of his voice as it is.
wanderinggenie — 17. Juni 2009 — En mia KD "Bizara Lando" mi uzis la vocxon de Dro Zamenhof por kantajxo. Per tiu cxi video vi povos auxdi la veran vocxon de la kreinto de Esperanto dum kvar minutojn.
In my CD "Bizara Lando" I made a song using the voice of Dr. Zamenhof. In this video you can listen to his actual voice in a 4 minute speech.
En mi CD "Bizara Lando" usé la voz del Dr. Zamenhof. En éste video pueden escuchar su voz real en un discurso de aproximadamente cuatro minutos de duración.
derverwandte (User's profile) June 22, 2010, 4:22:58 PM
vincas: a pity i could not see the viedos from youtube

utku (User's profile) June 22, 2010, 4:40:23 PM
derverwandte:Can't you see? Why?vincas: a pity i could not see the viedos from youtube
ceigered (User's profile) June 22, 2010, 6:36:18 PM
utku:Can't you see? Why?Unfortunately Youtube is banned in China because Google's management of Youtube doesn't comply with Chinese policy (e.g. some things of questionable suitability to be aired, which Google allow due to their policy choices). Probably more complex reasons as well but I shan't be going into them

utku (User's profile) June 22, 2010, 7:39:53 PM
ceigered:Unfortunately Youtube is also banned in Turkey by a local court because of some videos including opposition to Atatürk. But everybody use it by changing host file or loading some programs (like Youtube Jacker 7). Strangely even the prime minister uses YouTube, and once explained on tv, how can it be used, although banned.utku:Can't you see? Why?Unfortunately Youtube is banned in China because Google's management of Youtube doesn't comply with Chinese policy (e.g. some things of questionable suitability to be aired, which Google allow due to their policy choices). Probably more complex reasons as well but I shan't be going into them
Note: I'm sorry for badly language use, I don't know English.
ceigered (User's profile) June 23, 2010, 8:09:15 AM
utku:Similar things might be happening in Australia soon too - what one party wants to do (and the other is staying strangely quiet about, maybe they want to win the election and do it as well) is to put in a big firewall to block content that they consider unsuitable for public consumption (according to current TV and print media rules and regulations), but there are some strange things about the whole thing, for example it's perfectly OK to use a proxy to get around the firewall (well, provided you're not viewing illegal things anyway).ceigered:Unfortunately Youtube is also banned in Turkey by a local court because of some videos including opposition to Atatürk. But everybody use it by changing host file or loading some programs (like Youtube Jacker 7). Strangely even the prime minister uses YouTube, and once explained on tv, how can it be used, although banned.utku:Can't you see? Why?Unfortunately Youtube is banned in China because Google's management of Youtube doesn't comply with Chinese policy (e.g. some things of questionable suitability to be aired, which Google allow due to their policy choices). Probably more complex reasons as well but I shan't be going into them
It'd be funny if the Turkish government said it was going to release ad campaigns and information videos on youtube even though it's technically banned

Note: I'm sorry for badly language use, I don't know English.Your English is fine - just say "I'm sorry for bad language use" and it's perfect

qwertz (User's profile) June 23, 2010, 8:20:39 AM
ceigered:Nö/Nope. Never.Note: I'm sorry for badly language use, I don't know English.Your English is fine - just say "I'm sorry for bad language use" and it's perfect