Poruke: 6
Jezik: English
ceigered (Prikaz profila) 28. lipnja 2010. 09:40:05
I've just been troving through the Vortaro definitions in the vortaroredaktilo to see what the definition for "devi" is translated to in English (couldn't be beggared going back into the normal lernu! vortaro interface at that point), and found some interesting words that didn't have English translations:
Just to check, do these mean
I'm translating them to such but I figured I should check because even though they look like the should be common I've never come across them. Cheers.
Polaris (Prikaz profila) 28. lipnja 2010. 09:55:56
ceigered:Slu all,Hey, Chrisso--
I've just been troving through the Vortaro definitions in the vortaroredaktilo to see what the definition for "devi" is translated to in English (couldn't be beggared going back into the normal lernu! vortaro interface at that point), and found some interesting words that didn't have English translations:
Just to check, do these mean
I'm translating them to such but I figured I should check because even though they look like the should be common I've never come across them. Cheers.
Devigo means "obligation", not force. Devigata, then, would be "obligated", and devige would be "under obligation" or "by obligation"--you know how adverbs in Esperanto can have several English forms.
Oh, and by the way...as far as I'm concerned, "troving" SHOULD be in the dictionary meaning "searching for treasure" or "searching for something valuable" (you know---looking for a 'treasure trove'). Sounds good to me, anyway!

ceigered (Prikaz profila) 28. lipnja 2010. 10:04:14
-compellingly, forcefully
-obliged, compelled, forced
-obligation, coercion, force
In a sort of spectrum that mirrors "devi" (only now with sense "make to (have to)")?
And troving's such a cool word isn't it?

RiotNrrd (Prikaz profila) 29. lipnja 2010. 16:21:14
Roberto12 (Prikaz profila) 29. lipnja 2010. 17:03:01
Polaris:Oh, and by the way...as far as I'm concerned, "troving" SHOULD be in the dictionary meaning "searching for treasure" or "searching for something valuable" (you know---looking for a 'treasure trove'). Sounds good to me, anyway!Perhaps the song "Wild Rover" should become "Wild Trover"

ceigered (Prikaz profila) 30. lipnja 2010. 09:40:50
RiotNrrd:In regards to the poll, I think some people think it already IS part of English:Arr! There be yet another conglomerate of hearty folk who share me beliefs, arr.