Wpisy: 19
Język: English
Roberto12 (Pokaż profil) 22 lipca 2010, 18:04:36
My question is: where did this habit begin? My best theory is that about five years ago, in an American rap music video, a rapper thus presented himself, and the trend was set.
Also, I'm not expecting any positive replies, but does anyone here dress like this? If so, can you justify yourself?
(Fashion - don't you just love it

Donniedillon (Pokaż profil) 22 lipca 2010, 18:12:03
qwertz (Pokaż profil) 22 lipca 2010, 18:25:16
For the full video make a Youtube search from your side. This and a lot of other videos are blocked in Germany due to copyrights of Sony. (After some Youtube vs Gema trouble)
One year ago or so it comes up again. But now with tight trousers. Probably one music group spreaded "trousers slightly down" it again. I assume one of that french Tecknotik (music style) folks makes it popular.
erinja (Pokaż profil) 22 lipca 2010, 18:28:30
It has always been associated with hip hop music, and boys who don't like hip hop music don't tend to dress this way. (specific to boys, because this "extremely baggy trousers hanging down so low that your underwear sticks out" thing seems confined to boys).
I have seen boys with their trousers so low that nearly their entire bottom was sticking out of their pants, covered with colorful boxer shorts.
ceigered (Pokaż profil) 22 lipca 2010, 18:54:46
If it ever ends up developing into a proper fashion, e.g. having specially designed pairs of pants worn at different heights at the right proportions and fittings (as opposed to wearing undies and putting the pants on wrong, and putting random bling there to make it look more expensive), I reckon it could start to evolve as a fashion art form, but at the moment it seems more or less a youth subculture phase. If it ever becomes disconnected to hip hop, it'd be interesting to see if it could ever evolve into a sort of traditional dress style... (sounds silly I know, but then again, all human clothing evolves from something silly or is silly (the tie for example is hardly utilitarian, just like wearing pants too low

erinja (Pokaż profil) 22 lipca 2010, 19:08:30
When I've seen boys wearing their trousers so low, I have often seen them frequently tugging at the waist to hike the trousers up a bit, to prevent them from falling down entirely.
You can see an example of this 'style' at Wikipedia's page on "sagging", and also enjoy this amusing legal diagram of the style.
Akwino (Pokaż profil) 22 lipca 2010, 21:40:27
The dry boke springs to mind...
Uvi (Pokaż profil) 22 lipca 2010, 21:56:41
erinja:It has always been associated with hip hop music, and boys who don't like hip hop music don't tend to dress this way.It has, indeed, but the hip-hop culture has since permeated other sub-cultures, like the skater scene and metalheads, which also have adopted parts of this particular dress code.
However, hip-hop fashion is very eclectic and definitely doesn't limit itself to this more childish way of dressing. Louis Vuitton, Karl Kani and Armani now have clothing lines that cater to the hip-hop demographic, and their clothes have nothing to do with the pants-hangin'-low look.

Frankouche (Pokaż profil) 22 lipca 2010, 22:33:05

Certainly for this young men/women, to keep away from the world of adults, to show their independance.
I remember when i was 16-19 year old (20 years ago), i had long hairs, not shaved faced, military jacket, badges of rock music groups on it, special "military" school bag, we said "US bag" with badges, pictures, poems on it...

To appear the best way, you had to be like a tramp... I remember, some adults feared from me and i liked that...
I think it's normal for youngs to be different of adults even if they seem ridiculous because i remember when i had their age, world of adults seemed very ridiculous, and now i wonder if i was not right...
erinja (Pokaż profil) 22 lipca 2010, 23:16:09
On the clothing end, fortunately, I have always been conservative with my clothing. I have rarely worn anything that is very fashionable. Therefore there is nothing very embarrassing in old photos of me! No silly hairstyles or underpants sticking out of my trousers or clothing that was "cool" when I wore it but ridiculous 10 years later.