Am I right in thinking this?
af Lynchie, 29. jul. 2010
Meddelelser: 19
Sprog: English
Frankouche (Vise profilen) 29. jul. 2010 15.47.31
I learned old hieroglyphic egyptian in books and tried to speak like a pharaoh in front of my mirror.

I can read, i can't speak.

I'm learning lebanese arabic with speakers. There are no books, no dictionnaries, no grammar books. That's hard !
But i can speak and read (like a child). I've learned reading with commercial posters and license plates for numbers.

erinja (Vise profilen) 29. jul. 2010 15.52.15
I think that as far as learning as an adult is concerned, seeing patterns in things and learning through using the language is excellent. BUT sometimes the pattern behind when to use or not to use a certain bit of grammar is not obvious, and a logical rule can help you a lot. The knowledge of a rule can be the difference between speaking average Esperanto and speaking a really excellent Esperanto. I think that at a certain point you hit a wall, and that these rules can give you the extra boost you need to get over that wall. Little kids learn without these rules, but we adults need a little more help. The fact is that we don't learn the same way that little kids do, because our brains are not structured the same way.
No one wants to be the "fluent" speaker who speaks with fluent bad grammar. Or at least, I don't want to be.
So yes, if you get frustrated/bored over memorization of grammatical rules, start out with courses (like Bildoj kaj demandoj) that are based on understanding of simple sentence and building up your knowledge without lists of rules and vocabulary. But after that, I think it's beneficial to go to something like Ana Pana, which offers grammatical explanations, and also a tutor who can identify your specific weaknesses and give you explanations to help you avoid the mistakes that you commonly make.
Lynchie (Vise profilen) 29. jul. 2010 21.55.27

erinja (Vise profilen) 30. jul. 2010 02.40.17
Pick out a course and start working through it. If you feel like you keep getting the grammar wrong, study more grammar. If you have trouble understanding the vocabulary, study more vocabulary. No need to decide in advance whether to focus on grammar or vocabulary; I think your natural needs will tell you this.
Lynchie (Vise profilen) 30. jul. 2010 02.59.47
To that end, could anyone please tell me if I have translated this correctly?
Mi havas tre malbona kapdoloron-I have a terrible headache.
Thanks, now to take some pills for it lol.
Chainy (Vise profilen) 30. jul. 2010 06.23.07
manĝ/i = to eat. And from this root word you can create the following words:
Manĝ/u! = Eat! (imperative)
manĝ/o = a meal
manĝ/o/hor/o = mealtime
manĝ/et/i = to nibble, to have a little snack
manĝ/eg/i = to gorge, to have a heavy meal
manĝ/ebl/a = edible
manĝ/ebl/ec/o = edibility (quality of being edible)
manĝ/ind/a = worth eating
manĝ/aĉ/o = a disgusting meal
manĝ/aĵ/o = food
manĝ/ej/o = an eating place, dining room
manĝ/ig/i = to cause to eat, to feed
manĝ/uj/o = manger
manĝ/il/ar/o = cutlery
manĝ/ant/e = while eating.
vesper/manĝ/o = evening meal
ek/manĝ/i = to start eating
for/manĝ/i = to eat up
Etc.... (the above list was taken from the JC Wells dictionary).
So, it's really cool to learn how all these suffixes etc effect the basic root words. Ok, maybe some people can pick this up in some kind of natural way, but I reckon it's much more effective to force yourself to go through a stack of exercises so that you can quickly get down to the real meanings, rather than constantly trying to guess! It's worth the effort, because then you'll start to understand loads of words, even though you've just learnt one 'root word' such as 'manĝ/i'. That's the really powerful aspect to Esperanto and it really encourages you a lot.
erinja (Vise profilen) 30. jul. 2010 15.10.40
Miland (Vise profilen) 30. jul. 2010 16.57.41
Lynchie:I do have a tendency to want to be brilliant at something the moment I start it, rarely happensIt's good that you see the need for a little patience. The grammar is really for reference. Except for looking specific things up, I would leave it till you've finished the courses Ana Pana and Ana Renkontas.
Lynchie (Vise profilen) 30. jul. 2010 23.08.09