translation help: "subculture"
von qwertz, 1. August 2010
Beiträge: 14
Sprache: English
Miland (Profil anzeigen) 2. August 2010 16:13:39
qwertz (Profil anzeigen) 6. August 2010 18:46:58
Miland:qwertz: what about the BYO subculture slogan?That's an English abbreviation for "Bring Your Own", so I imagine that an E-o equivalent would be something like AVP for "Alportu Vian Propran". I don't know whether any E-ists have actually used such a thing.
ceigered:Hhm. Sorry I didn't get it completly. "Alportu vian propan" is looping again serveral times in my mind. Could you try to explain that more precise please? What excactly is the intention of "Alportu vian propan"? Could someone intend "Alportu vian propan" this way:
@ Qwertz - if you're gonna have "AVP" the initials, perhaps having in very small brackets underneath (almost stylistically as if not needed) "alportu vian propran", for all of us who might not be familiar with "AVP" (or know it as "Aliens Vs. Predators").
"There excists constructed language e-o. What do you think could be related to e-o?" So the audience has to inform firstly about e-o and than make some brainstroming what could proper to be related to e-o. In this way of thinking e-o isn't "all over" means e-o comes non-hyped and only meets proper culture. Or newbies just come with some subculture, art etc. to a e-o event to check if their subculture, art etc. fits to e-o culture?
(Hopefully I got my question precise expressed in English(?)).
Miland (Profil anzeigen) 6. August 2010 19:36:37
qwertz:What exactly is the intention of "Alportu vian propan"?A more complete English abbreviation would be BYOB, "Bring your Own Bottle (of wine or other drink)" - i.e. bring your own contribution to the liquid refreshments at a party. In Esperanto it might be AVPB Alportu vian propran botelon (da vino aŭ biero).
qwertz (Profil anzeigen) 6. August 2010 20:01:17
Miland:Ah, okay. I confused the e-o "propra" (own) with the English "proper" (taŭga). Sorry about!qwertz:What exactly is the intention of "Alportu vian propan"?A more complete English abbreviation would be BYOB, "Bring your Own Bottle (of wine or other drink)" - i.e. bring your own contribution to the liquid refreshments at a party. In Esperanto it might be AVPB Alportu vian propran botelon (da vino aŭ biero).