Another of my questions
de Lynchie, 2010-aŭgusto-02
Mesaĝoj: 45
Lingvo: English
qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-09 16:46:35
RiotNrrd:Esperanto has been in use for over a century, and yet is mostly slang-free. There's a reason for that.Which one?
- Walling-off the Malesperantujo?
- Everything working for XXX years will work in future, too?
erinja (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-09 16:55:19
Slang, by definition, is specific vocabulary used by a particular group, non-standard vocabulary, unusual new words. All of these features make it hard for beginner to understand, and are detrimental to understanding one another within the Esperanto community.
It has nothing to do with walling yourself off from the world outside of Esperanto. Of course if there is a concept outside of Esperanto, we should find a way to express that concept. This has nothing to do with closing Esperanto off from exposure to outside ideas. But that isn't slang; we should try to choose a native Esperanto word to express the concept, so that all Esperanto speakers can understand what we're talking about.
RiotNrrd (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-10 01:45:28
qwertz:Which one?The one you left out.
- Walling-off the Malesperantujo?
- Everything working for XXX years will work in future, too?
Slang is divisive. It splits the world into two groups - the cool in-the-know ones, and everyone else. It is antithetical to the idea of free and open communication between people because it purposely obscures it. Slang is therefore contrary to the entire reason FOR Esperanto.
As Erinja points out, new words and slang are not the same beast at all. New words generally describe new things. Slang is just new words for old things. In Esperantujo, people tend to be resistant to the addition of words that don't add any new value (i.e., if a concept is already covered by a word, then it is preferable to use that word instead of a new one[1]).
"Mojosa" is an interesting case, in that there is no pre-existing Esperanto word that really covers the meaning of "cool" that is meant by it. Personally, I think we DO need a word for "cool" that conveys the English idiomatic meaning; I just don't think "mojosa" should be that word (although I don't have an alternative suggestion at the moment[2]). But this is not a case of creating slang. This is a case of creating a new word for a distinct concept that isn't already covered by another word.
"Slu", "sal", and whatnot, are just covering ground already taken up by "saluton". They are slightly more convenient to say (by two whole syllables - whoo![3]), and add nothing else.
[1] Certainly this hasn't held true in every case, and thus we have words with synonyms. But past mistakes don't compel future ones.
[2] And the longer "mojosa" hangs around, the higher the probability that it will continue to hang around and become THE word for it. That's cool, I guess.
[3] Words that come up a LOT should be short. But how often does one need to greet someone during a typical conversation? Once? Twice? The extra syllables in "saluton" don't cost much; go to town with them, I say.
darkweasel (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-10 07:24:52
RiotNrrd:What about malaĉa?
"Mojosa" is an interesting case, in that there is no pre-existing Esperanto word that really covers the meaning of "cool" that is meant by it.
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-10 14:47:02
Now, that gripe is unrelated and not really arguable due to the way the language works, so no reason to argue against me or justify the system because it's got me caught in its fiery talons

If you've never talked to the person before and have no idea of their tastes and can't decide if they'd know certain words or stuff, avoid those words altogether unless they're essential. By extension, this involves never assuming what you know is known by them. Then, after talking to them, you can figure out what you have in common linguistically and capitalise that. If they use slang and you use slang, use it. If others wanna join the conversation (and you want them to), assimilate them into your little environment of slang words.
And I think that's a pretty good base for all interpersonal communication outside of EO too, if not transcending preexisting spoken and written language entirely. Avoidance of slang is a bandaid solution (not necessarily a bad one, but it doesn't address the actual problem) slapped on a lack of communication skills people have, particularly to do with creativity and the ability to adapt to new conversations or exchanges of information effectively. And sure, slang may bring division, but we as humans need to be able to divide and unite and categorise and abstract ourselves and concepts flexibly in order for us to be good thinkers and communicators I reckon. At least this is what I strive for, for myself.
As for learners however, as I've learnt the hard way: if you're learning to speak the language so you can speak to other people, learn what the speakers of the said language actually do speak, so of course in EO's case, learn what you'll actually be reciprocatively using

There's my 5c AUD with the little echidna rolled up on it anyway

erinja (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-10 15:28:17
To me, the best Esperanto slang is the slang that can be understood by any Esperanto speaker, but which also expresses ideas in a fun and interesting way.
This would be words like "malaĉa" to mean "cool" (alternate words for "cool" - beluma, brila, bonuma), words like "maltrinki" instead of "urini", referring to beginners as "fresxbakitaj esperantistoj", etc. You can speak in a fun and colloquial way, and still be understood by everyone. No need to stay in the past, but no need to be unnecessarily complicated and to exclude older people, either.
On mal- - it isn't good/ungood, it's good/opposite of good, dry/opposite of dry, etc.
We maintain a difference in meaning between, for example, malseka (wet) and neseka (not dry), malbona (bad) and nebona (not good), malsata (hungry) and nesata (not full).
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-10 15:48:34
erinja:On mal- - it isn't good/ungood, it's good/opposite of good, dry/opposite of dry, etc.Indeed, sorry for my misleading words, I knew that but just tried to put it in the most natural sounding English equivalent so the newspeak style "double plus ungood" came to mind ("opposite of" doesn't make for a very tidy prefix
We maintain a difference in meaning between, for example, malseka (wet) and neseka (not dry), malbona (bad) and nebona (not good), malsata (hungry) and nesata (not full).

I guess one of the better examples is "maldekstra" vs. "nedekstra", as here "nedekstra" (anywhere but right) is more easily removable in meaning from "maldekstra" (left) (where as nebona is often associated quite strongly with malbona for some I guess, since we humans have a tendency to think in terms of "if it's not good enough to be good then it's bad").
darkweasel (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-10 15:57:49
erinja:beluma, brila, bonumaI don't think that beluma and bonuma are really readily understandable. The suffix -um has many uses and you mostly have to guess what a word with this prefix means. I don't think that this is easy in this case.
I actually use malaĉa (also malino for "a male person" since Esperanto lacks such a word: viro doesn't include children) seriously, not just as a word play.
qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-10 18:16:29
erinja:Hhm, we will see, how Esperanto Hiphopo will developing. In my opinion Slang also can make something attractive. Thats the same like the fascination of a foreign language.
Slang, by definition, is specific vocabulary used by a particular group, non-standard vocabulary, unusual new words. All of these features make it hard for beginner to understand, and are detrimental to understanding one another within the Esperanto community.
Vinilkosmo prepares a new Esperanto Hiphopo kompilo. Especially I'm very interested in the result of that instant rhyming (Freestyle/Tujrimado). Reala tujrimado isn't prepared before. There are techniques to ensure that. Will that hiphopuloj push out slang or well-defined E-o? I believe it will be more well-defined E-o because E-o by itselves still offers possiblities to "kameleoni la vortoj". But the time will show.
erinja:I really like that habbit to discuss e-o words for excisting concepts very much. Probably I don't understand the idea behind "Slang". At the German wikipedia Slang points to Umgangssprache = "All-day-language".
It has nothing to do with walling yourself off from the world outside of Esperanto. Of course if there is a concept outside of Esperanto, we should find a way to express that concept. This has nothing to do with closing Esperanto off from exposure to outside ideas. But that isn't slang; we should try to choose a native Esperanto word to express the concept, so that all Esperanto speakers can understand what we're talking about.
qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-10 18:17:10
RiotNrrd:I still have to make some research to find out what Slang excactly means.qwertz:Which one?The one you left out.
- Walling-off the Malesperantujo?
- Everything working for XXX years will work in future, too?
Slang is divisive. It splits the world into two groups - the cool in-the-know ones, and everyone else. It is antithetical to the idea of free and open communication between people because it purposely obscures it. Slang is therefore contrary to the entire reason FOR Esperanto.