
What do you think is the idea behind "cool"?

글쓴이: qwertz, 2010년 8월 10일

글: 33

언어: English

darkweasel (프로필 보기) 2010년 8월 11일 오후 3:34:34

darkweasel:the root KONCENTR/ was removed
Are you sure? ReVo states that it was just changed from an adjective to a verb.
Yes and no, see: Dates of changes to the UV.
En 1974 (8OA) la Akademio de Esperanto forigis el UV la (ecosignifan) elementon KONCENTR/ (“koncentra” = “samcentra”) aldonitan en 1OA, kaj anstataŭe aldonis la samforman, sed agosignifan elementon KONCENTR/ (“koncentri”). Oni atentu, ke temis tiam ne pri nura kategoridiferenco, sed pri du radikoj kun tute malsamaj signifoj.
(emphasis added by me)

For our beginners, this is a translation:
In 1974 (8OA) the Academy of Esperanto removed from UV the (quality-meaning) element KONCENTR/ (koncentra = "concentrical") that had been added in 1OA, and instead added the homonymous element KONCENTR/ (koncentri = "to concentrate (sth.)"). Note that this isn't a mere category difference but two roots with completely different meanings.

qwertz (프로필 보기) 2010년 8월 11일 오후 3:56:25

Now, you could say that mojosa doesn't mean THAT kind of cool. That's fine. What word does?

Perhaps "ŝatenda"? That's just a top-of-the-head suggestion, but it's MORE in line with what I'm thinking. I can't think of anything that someone thinks is cool AND dislikes at the same time.
Mostly I can't explain why something is cool or not. It's just definitivly cool. Doesn't matter if somebody else tries to change my opinion. That will not change that coolness. For me cool is something what "I grant unconsciously a very high value" or something like that. So I think "ŝatenda" or more precise "memŝatenda" (but to long for collegial speech) would meet what I feel "cool" tries to convey.

horsto (프로필 보기) 2010년 8월 11일 오후 6:12:53

patrik:In fact, these guys did something much greater than just merely creating a neologism: they defined the Esperanto concept of "cool"
I really don't know what you are talking about. It's exactly this "concept" that people don't like, as erinja explained, and I totally agree with her.
And the fact that "mojosa" was created in a congress adds more to their inability to accept the new word and its concept: this is an artificial creation of a few people.
In fact they had this idea after the congress, sitting in a pub and drinking beer.
All I can say at this point is that "mojosa" is a fact and has a unique quasi-indigenous concept behind it, ...
And again, which concept? To find three words which somehow describe the word "cool" and then take the 3 initial letters to create a new word?

ceigered (프로필 보기) 2010년 8월 11일 오후 11:21:24

All I can say at this point is that "mojosa" is a fact and has a unique quasi-indigenous concept behind it, ...
And again, which concept? To find three words which somehow describe the word "cool" and then take the 3 initial letters to create a new word?
Better than taking the English word for "cool" as some languages are doing quite happily and saying something like "kula".

"Via harar stas kula duuuuuuud!"*
"Mi bedaŭras - vi pensas ke mia hararo havas kulojn en ĝi?!"

(*slight reference to the Prinnies from Nippon Ichi's video games).

patrik (프로필 보기) 2010년 8월 12일 오전 3:01:31

And the fact that "mojosa" was created in a congress adds more to their inability to accept the new word and its concept: this is an artificial creation of a few people.
In fact they had this idea after the congress, sitting in a pub and drinking beer.
All I can say at this point is that "mojosa" is a fact and has a unique quasi-indigenous concept behind it, ...
And again, which concept? To find three words which somehow describe the word "cool" and then take the 3 initial letters to create a new word?
Exactly, yes, just like the Chinese and the Japanese did when they translated Western concepts into their own languages, although I can argue, that they didn't got the concept right.

And thanks for that info. okulumo.gif

patrik (프로필 보기) 2010년 8월 12일 오전 3:31:10

patrik:I don't have any problems regarding "mojosa". I even wish that this word be included to the upcoming 10th Official Addition to the Fundamento (thus making it "untouchable"). lango.gif
Actually, the Akademio may decide to "disofficialize" a word, up until now it's done so twice: the root ANALOGI/ was replaced by ANALOG/ and the root KONCENTR/ was removed because everyone used SAM/CENTR/ anyway for the meaning this word had at that time.
I respect the Academy, but not their "blunders". That is one of them. [Another one was url=http://www.akademio-de-esperanto.org/decidoj/landnomoj/malnove/koreo_egipto_eksaj.html]their 1988 decision regarding "Koreo/Koreujo"[/url], but thank goodness, they reversed it.] I agree with Helmut Welger's assessment in his "Kontribuoj al la Norma Esperantologio" that that particular ruling is invalid but not entirely senseless: "it can be interpreted as a simple unrecommedation concerning 'koncentra' and as a recommendation concerning 'samcentra'".

benanhalt (프로필 보기) 2010년 8월 18일 오전 2:40:54

No offense to anyone who has posted here, but the best definition I can think of for "cool" is everything that this thread is not. lango.gif

Cool is like a Zen thing.

It is the flow and the turbulence in the flow. Cool is... hot... sometimes. Uncool can be cool. If you think you are cool, then you are probably not. If something defines itself as cool, it is not (unless it is wrong). And yet cool is all about confidence... except when it's not. It is irony without cynicism except when the cynicism is cool. There is nothing more immediate than coolness. The universe is probably made out of cool.

3rdblade (프로필 보기) 2010년 8월 18일 오전 2:49:57

benanhalt:No offense to anyone who has posted here, but the best definition I can think of for "cool" is everything that this thread is not. lango.gif
Haha, yeah, I was just thinking that 'mojosa' is kind of seeming a bit uncool right now.

ceigered (프로필 보기) 2010년 8월 18일 오전 9:21:44

benanhalt: If you think you are cool, then you are probably not.
By extension: If one calls themselves cool, they are either not cool at all, or so damn incredibly cool that admitting it causes some far off galaxy to explode.

sudanglo (프로필 보기) 2010년 8월 18일 오전 9:48:41

Seems to me surprising that 'kuul' (pronounce both 'u's) wasn't adopted under rule 15 of the famous 16 rules.

I know that the French say 'cool' and I imagine, given the extent to which there have been borrowings from English in other European languages, it is quite likely that 'junuloj' across Europe would recognize 'kuul' as an interjection.

If you just want an alternative to 'bone', Esperanto offers various 'kunmetitaj' possibilities. Personally I like 'aprobinde'. 'Sxatende/inde' also works.

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