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What do you think is the idea behind "cool"?

од qwertz, 10. август 2010.

Поруке: 33

Језик: English

sudanglo (Погледати профил) 06. септембар 2010. 09.51.28

If an Esperantist pronounced 'kuul' (correctly wih two 'u's), an English speaker would hear something like the English word 'cool' in 'cool man!' drawled by a feckless youth.

Evildela (Погледати профил) 06. септембар 2010. 10.33.37

ceigered:Evildela, being an Australian like myself, I suspect you pronounce ul sounds like "awl" instead, yeah? (well, that might be a South Australian thing, we love our dark L's). In which case, in EO orthography, it would actually be something like "kool" or "kuŭ" if it were the Australian "cool" (or maybe more like "kuol", if the sound is even transcribable into EO), for the sake of those not native in English or not familiar with AU phonetics.

[Note though that I'm using double-vowels with EO style phonetics simply to indicate "long" vowels, which I believe is one option in EO pronunciation where double vowels are concerned (the others being glides and glottal stops?))./quote]I was raised all over the east coast of Australia from north Queensland to Tasmania, so I'm not sure what accent I’m running, though its probably something along the lines of kuŭ, but has a little "l" at the end.

ceigered (Погледати профил) 06. септембар 2010. 13.43.41

darkweasel:ceigered, there is no Esperanto word with the sound sequence "uŭ" and we shouldn't introduce any.

*Koola would be pronounced as it is written - with two separate O sounds. So in order to pronounce it correctly, you actually have to use a glottal stop. There are no long or short vowels in Esperanto.
I'm sure I've heard that vowels can be geminated for twice their length in EO before in "oo" cases, e.g. as if there was a glottal stop between two "o"s but with the glottal stop unnoticeable. That said I do a lethargic (e.g. not very sharp, more grunted) glottal stop anyway so I don't know what I'm on about rido.gif

I certainly think that while "uŭ" is a pretty groovy sound, it'd indeed be stupid to put that in Eo especially when less complicated sounds are clearly missing. I hope I didn't insinuate I wanted it in EO, more just saying that transcribing it into EO is a sort of hellish task lango.gif

Anyway, "malaĉa" seems to be stuck in my head now... 3 nice sounding syllables, 3 of my most favourite sounds...

@ Evildela:

I reckon that's the same as my accent. That said, Australia's apparently got the most homogenous group of accents in the Anglosphere so I guess any distinctions between an SA and an Eastern states accent would be almost invisible lango.gif

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