Mesaĝoj: 51
Lingvo: English
AnFu (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-28 19:18:19
qwertz:I strongly agree with your statement in your first paragraph. Thank you for saying that.
In my opinion, as long as people fight (also includes defense) Esperanto there will everytime sombody fight or defense back. In my opinion Raŭmismo/Civitanismo is proper for current less-militarious time spreading Esperanto. Finvenkismo comes from the time where much more conflicts like today tracked to a military conflict.
"Kulturegigu e-on, ne (necesa) batalu por/pro e-on." slogan will give that e-o spreadness more "non-military" laxness. But I'm not really satisfied with that slogan. How would you express a short slogan somebody could say stopping troll and anti-troll battles?
"Instead of putting energy into battling/defending for E-o, try to express more culture branches (i.e. music, theatre etc.) using the E-o language tool."
I also really like your slogan idea. Maybe a slogan like that one could spread and be commonly understood by everyone, similar to how the saying "Please don't feed the trolls" is understood by almost everyone.
Some suggestions (please correct, improve and suggest your own):
"Ne batalu por/pro/pri E-o, Kulturegigu E-on"
"Ne militigu pro E-o, Kulturegigu E-on"
"Ne militigu pro E-o, Kulturu E-on"
""Ne militaxigu pro E-o, Kulturegigu E-on"
"Ne batalu por/pro/pri E-o, Kulturegigu E-on"
"Ne batalu/disputu/argumentu por/pro/pri E-o, Kulturegigu E-on"
I also like the idea of using -acx- . For example: "Ne disputacxu/militacxigu/batalacxu...
Others can advise or improve regarding transitivity/intransitivity, the proper or preferred preposition (por/pro/pri), and whether prepositions are even necessary thus shortening the slogan by using the accusative (-n ).
That's all. I have to go off to work now.
Mike (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-29 05:21:28
sudanglo:Esperantist do tend to overegg the pudding in their claims about the ease which Esperanto can be learnt.Yes, the United States and Great Britain, two countries divided by a common language.
But the progress that can be made at the beginning level compared to that which you can reasonably expect in the national languages is phenomenal.
The popular opinion in the the UK, by the way, is that some Americans even experience difficulty with speaking English.

qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-29 12:08:25
Mike:International language, please.sudanglo:Esperantist do tend to overegg the pudding in their claims about the ease which Esperanto can be learnt.Yes, the United States and Great Britain, two countries divided by a common language.
But the progress that can be made at the beginning level compared to that which you can reasonably expect in the national languages is phenomenal.
The popular opinion in the the UK, by the way, is that some Americans even experience difficulty with speaking English.

darkweasel (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-29 12:29:03
Mike:Until now I had heard this saying only about Germany and Austria!sudanglo:Esperantist do tend to overegg the pudding in their claims about the ease which Esperanto can be learnt.Yes, the United States and Great Britain, two countries divided by a common language.
But the progress that can be made at the beginning level compared to that which you can reasonably expect in the national languages is phenomenal.
The popular opinion in the the UK, by the way, is that some Americans even experience difficulty with speaking English.

qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-29 13:13:32
darkweasel:*grrr* I also heard that about East- & West Germany and between South-West & North-West-Germany etc. Furthermore, last week I heard some funny stuff at the local radio station. The radio moderator ask some tourists how popular Germany is for travelling. Answer of an Austrian tourist: "Bavaria is fine...". That let the moderator make the conclusion: "Does Bavaria belongs to Austria or Does Austria belongs to Bavaria?"Mike:Until now I had heard this saying only about Germany and Austria!sudanglo:Esperantist do tend to overegg the pudding in their claims about the ease which Esperanto can be learnt.Yes, the United States and Great Britain, two countries divided by a common language.
But the progress that can be made at the beginning level compared to that which you can reasonably expect in the national languages is phenomenal.
The popular opinion in the the UK, by the way, is that some Americans even experience difficulty with speaking English.

KetchupSoldier (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-30 01:28:03
Mike:Yes, the United States and Great Britain, two countries divided by a common language."The English and Americans have everything in common except, of course, language." -Oscar Wilde (forgive me for errors)
ka_veh (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-18 17:31:21
Arpee:I'll start pronouncing it as "kf" because other wise it will sound horrible like "akuvo" instead of "akvo". I think I can get away saying "akfo" since it's easier to pronounce.
How do you pronounce "Aquarium"? And how do you pronounce "Vote"? "Aq" + "Vo"... is not close to Akvo, it is Akvo!!!
jan aleksan (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-18 18:01:20
qwertz:I agree but I like do distinguish between Rauxmismo aud Civitanismo. The English article of Wikipedia is somewhat wrong I think.
In my opinion, as long as people fight (also includes defense) Esperanto there will everytime sombody fight or defense back. In my opinion Raŭmismo/Civitanismo is proper for current less-militarious time spreading Esperanto. Finvenkismo comes from the time where much more conflicts like today tracked to a military conflict.
Rauxmismo (to sum up) is the fact to use esperanto has a mean of communication, and not necessarily to advertise for it in order to step forward to finvenkismo, though rauxmist can advertise for it to show the added value of learning esperanto in every day life (take part to events, meet foreigners, etc).
Civitanismo is the fact to support the consciousness of an esperanto community in itself and is promoted by la esperanta civito. La civito is in bad relation with UEA and the rest of the esperanto community, for reasons I'm not able to fully display. In a way, civitanistoj are all rauxmistoj, but the contrary is not true.
Looking for infos, I found this discussion
qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-18 19:15:34
The reason why I came to this "Ne batalu por/pro/pri E-o, Kulturegigu E-on" thing and I also like that Mojosu! poem is that I'm really sick of that ever and ever same "e-o information rounds" actions. Yes, I respect the e-o history but sometimes it "estas nervosege"#. Because there is no further development. Just the same facts "remaĉiĝis" again and again. In my opinion that makes E-o not very attractive. Why not simple "celebrate" E-o culture in public and keeping focus on adapting "culture ideas" from other fields? Speaking for me, I would like much more crazyness of E-o to motivate crazy people to learn and use e-o with their crazy ideas. Of course I don't like every crazyness i.e. I dislike the genre behind Lustmord. He makes sound experiments inside big halls. He comes in flavour because he did sound experiments in a former slaughterhouse - bäh! k.t.p.
I.e. I like that Chicharos Magicos and that new Kronlarvo project by Eterne Rima k.t.p. Of course there are also other attractive field as music. I.e. there are some very interesting e-o comics out. They still have to be collected for representation at e-o rekontiĝon.
#in English "sucks"(?); the German "Nervensäge"/"nerve saw" is no hard offending. I'm not sure where to class "sucks". Hard offending or not? Until now I only found that Frets on Fire video (0:38min) from where I would say that "sucker" isn't that hard offending? But it was made by a German, I assume.
I will take a more deep read later into that distinction between Raŭmismo and Civitanismo.
kris42 (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-18 20:42:45
Easy because all are regular and so logic
akvo - akvi - akve - akva
I like the workd akvo mdr
But difficult because to flexible.
Now I try to use REALLY esperanto but I must admit honesty that it is not as easy as I expected.