komikso neamuza 100720: please correct
by jeckle, August 28, 2010
Messages: 8
Language: English
jeckle (User's profile) August 28, 2010, 8:16:32 AM
-cats allways fall on their feet. toast always lands on the buttered side. this should be interesting.
-poor toast.
-katoj ĉiam falas sur lian piedoj. rostpano ĉiam falas sur lia buterumita flanko. tio ŝajnus esti interesa.
-kompatinda toasto.
ceigered (User's profile) August 28, 2010, 10:15:39 AM
jeckle:In another threat we translate german comics to Esperanto. Some I found, were already translated from german to english. These are not any more available in german. I would like to translate them with you to esperanto. Let's have a try?"Katoj ĉiam falas sur liaj piedoj"
-cats allways fall on their feet. toast always lands on the buttered side. this should be interesting.
-poor toast.
-katoj ĉiam falas sur lian piedoj. rostpano ĉiam falas sur lia buterumita flanko. tio ŝajnus esti interesa.
-kompatinda toasto.
And "kompatinda rostpano" I think would be more polished

That made me have a little laugh - because I am now interested, if one did indeed have a slice of toast heavy enough to balance the weight of a cat, what would happen in that situation?

(Ah, yes - you also said "threat", but "thread" is the right word - "threat" means "a danger", so when I read your message I accidentally misunderstood and thought there was a threat on the German forums

qwertz (User's profile) August 28, 2010, 10:47:05 AM

Kulturigegu e-on, ne (necesa) batalu por/pro e-on.
(Kulturigegu or Kulturegigu? Or simple Raŭmismu to give the raŭmismo ideo some more attention?)
ceigered:There is a very matured e-o comic translation fadeno at the German de.lernu.net
(Ah, yes - you also said "threat", but "thread" is the right word - "threat" means "a danger", so when I read your message I accidentally misunderstood and thought there was a threat on the German forums).

darkweasel (User's profile) August 28, 2010, 1:13:11 PM
jeckle:In another threat we translate german comics to Esperanto. Some I found, were already translated from german to english. These are not any more available in german. I would like to translate them with you to esperanto. Let's have a try?> katoj ĉiam alteriĝas starante sur siaj piedoj. rostpano ĉiam alteriĝas kuŝante sur sia buterflanko. tio ĉi estos do interesa.
-cats allways fall on their feet. toast always lands on the buttered side. this should be interesting.
-poor toast.
-katoj ĉiam falas sur lian piedoj. rostpano ĉiam falas sur lia buterumita flanko. tio ŝajnus esti interesa.
-kompatinda toasto.
> kompatinda rostpano.
jeckle (User's profile) August 28, 2010, 2:38:48 PM
In my opinion, that mix is nice:
-katoj ĉiam falas sur siaj piedoj. rostpano ĉiam falas sur sia buterflanko. tio ĉi estos interesa.
-kompatinda rostpano.
(No threat from german thread.)

horsto (User's profile) August 28, 2010, 2:46:58 PM
jeckle:alteriĝas describes the way (down) to earth, isn't it? So alteriĝas starante describes the cat falls to earth (staying) right up.alteriĝas = landen
In my opinion, that mix is nice:
-katoj ĉiam falas sur siaj piedoj. rostpano ĉiam falas sur sia buterflanko. tio ĉi estos interesa.
-kompatinda rostpano.
(No threat from german thread.)
But I like your version. But because of the direction the piedoj and the buterflanko (aŭ ŝmirita flanko) need an -n at the end.
jeckle (User's profile) August 29, 2010, 8:56:58 AM
Here is the retouched result:
ceigered (User's profile) August 29, 2010, 9:09:23 AM
jeckle:Thank you all ...Bonegege!
Here is the retouched result: