Повідомлення: 2
Мова: English
Mike (Переглянути профіль) 29 серпня 2010 р. 05:11:00
Sorry, don't have time right now to post a similar advisory about this on the Esperanto-language forum. Nevertheless, I think any Esperanto-curious English speaker would be very intrigued by this article from the New York Times about Sapir-Whorf, and how languages can shape our view of the world (New York Times registration may be necessary to read the article):
Would be interested in what others think about this. I would think some of our Lojban friends would have some fascinating insights on this topic.
Would be interested in what others think about this. I would think some of our Lojban friends would have some fascinating insights on this topic.
Miland (Переглянути профіль) 29 серпня 2010 р. 14:25:31
This is a very interesting article which suggests that different languages train the mind to emphasize and even more clearly experience things that are part of their vocabulary, like specific words for "green" and "blue".
Applying this to Esperanto, we might ask: does English, which uses words like "should", and complex tenses without exact E-o equivalents, train the mind to emphasize things which in Esperanto would be considered unnecessary? How about other languages? Does Esperanto cover all "essential" training for the mind, and if not, what could be done? One suggestion: if a consensus developed, a suitable word could be imported from an existing national language as a neologismo.
Applying this to Esperanto, we might ask: does English, which uses words like "should", and complex tenses without exact E-o equivalents, train the mind to emphasize things which in Esperanto would be considered unnecessary? How about other languages? Does Esperanto cover all "essential" training for the mind, and if not, what could be done? One suggestion: if a consensus developed, a suitable word could be imported from an existing national language as a neologismo.