translation help: anti troll slogan
貼文者: qwertz, 2010年8月29日
訊息: 13
語言: English
AnFu (顯示個人資料) 2010年9月4日上午7:07:22
erinja:kulturegigi doesn't make sense to me at all.Thank you Erinja. That is the type of input I was looking for.
kulturi is already a transitive verb, btw, so the -ig- part of the word is unnecessary, and I don't see the point of the -eg-.
I want to make clear that I'm not hoping or trying to change troll behavior. That is not my intent.
ceigered:Not to mention that part of the problem with trolls is that it can be easy for the irrationality to be caught, so having a slogan can help the "victims" not dirty their hands too in a sense...Now that is a good slogan or 'saying' goal.
Patrik:"Ni pliriĉigu E-on!"That's another possibility.
or "Kulturu Ni Esperanton!"
And of course still in the running is:
"Ne batalu pri E-o, Kulturu E-on!"
Hauxkins (顯示個人資料) 2010年9月4日上午7:57:15
This thread reminds me of something from Terry Pratchett's Discworld books. The main city there was called Ankh Morpork. After years of being invaded and conquered, the inhabitants realised that the best way of dealing with invading hoardes was just to open the gates and let them in. Don't try to fight. The newcomers would strut around, declaring victory for a while, but after a year or two they'd be left with just a couple of streets in a ghetto and some ethnic food shops and everything would be back to normal.
I think there's some relevant wisdom in there! A good fight is what a troll wants, so 'ne batalu' is certainly a good start.
I think there's some relevant wisdom in there! A good fight is what a troll wants, so 'ne batalu' is certainly a good start.
qwertz (顯示個人資料) 2010年9月4日下午1:46:01
ceigered:Yes, should be a slogan for the "victims".
Not to mention that part of the problem with trolls is that it can be easy for the irrationality to be caught, so having a slogan can help the "victims" not dirty their hands too in a sense...
Hauxkins:This thread reminds me of something from Terry Pratchett's Discworld books. The main city there was called Ankh Morpork. After years of being invaded and conquered, the inhabitants realised that the best way of dealing with invading hoardes was just to open the gates and let them in.Thanks for that hint.

(Filo (e-o). Ehm, maybe, probably even so a good idea to let the zombies out. (graded original video of Filo).
Hauxkins:Yes, I agree.
I think there's some relevant wisdom in there! A good fight is what a troll wants, so 'ne batalu' is certainly a good start.