Поруке: 12
Језик: English
RiotNrrd (Погледати профил) 08. септембар 2010. 01.14.53
Instead of hijacking the other thread to talk about book collections, I figured I'd start a new thread, where I could provide the link to where I got my copies (they're all free):
Alciona (Погледати профил) 08. септембар 2010. 01.55.36

Donniedillon (Погледати профил) 08. септембар 2010. 02.36.03
RiotNrrd:Instead of hijacking the other thread to talk about book collections, I figured I'd start a new thread, where I could provide the link to where I got my copies (they're all free):Thanks! I just DLed the collection. Now, where to begin...
Genjix (Погледати профил) 08. септембар 2010. 08.37.53
Genjix (Погледати профил) 08. септембар 2010. 10.24.45
mi sugestas ke vi fendu la dosiero kaj metu ĝin al RapidShare. Se vi bezonus helpi, mi povus fari tion.
the file everytime stops-coming before it's finished.
I am-suggesting that you split the file and put it (on)to Rapidshare. If you would-need help, I would-be-able do that.
erinja (Погледати профил) 08. септембар 2010. 12.41.08
Asking if someone needs help, that would be "Se vi bezonus helpon"
ĉesveni does not mean the same as "ĉesas veni". Actually I can't think of a good meaning for "ĉesveni". To come by way of stopping? It's a bit like writing stopgo. What are you doing when you're stopgoing?
Genjix (Погледати профил) 08. септембар 2010. 13.10.20
jes, you're right. Thanks for the corrections. I understand now.
Miland (Погледати профил) 08. септембар 2010. 13.22.49
Genjix:Dankon por la ĝustaĵoj.Korektoj or perhaps ĝustigoj; they are making something (igi) else correct.
ceigered (Погледати профил) 08. септембар 2010. 13.30.27

RiotNrrd (Погледати профил) 08. септембар 2010. 13.33.00
Genjix:I am-suggesting that you split the file and put it (on)to Rapidshare. If you would-need help, I would-be-able do that.They're not my files. I just provided a link to them.