Lernu University
de EoMy, 2010-septembro-10
Mesaĝoj: 28
Lingvo: English
Genjix (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-11 11:30:38
erinja:Though perhaps since I have also commented on many of the same forum threads that they have, that must mean... wait... it must mean I'm popular! They must be following me to different forum threads and trying to impress me with their erudite responses! Wow, I've never been popular before!Damn. How did you catch me? You are a smart cookie

EoMy (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-12 03:12:43
erinja:Genjix,after following the forum sometimes, i know the English forum in lernu is to use english or translate the eo into en. i love the idea.It helps people to understand better what is going on in the esperanto world, the development as someone said the esperanto helps austistic kids learn better communication.
Second -- you seem to presuppose that EoMy speaks good Esperanto. I don't know what EoMy's Esperanto level is, but I can assure you that some people who write to this forum in "bad" English don't speak Esperanto any better than they speak English. In some cases, they speak Esperanto worse, because they have just started Esperanto! So maybe you should cut people
If i want to express my thought in eo, i would go to eo section. Though the eo speakers are very tolerate, i still prefer to stick to English forum for sometime as not to torture the eo users with my bad esperanto.
i took english subject, mind you O level from England for 11 times, and i still failed to get a credit. Thus i was deeply depressed till i came to an article in a blog and found lernu and know what esperanto is and start to learn it and wish i of course many of my friends have the chance to study in university without having to spend so much money to learn english, you are an English, you should know the cost of a single subject exam fee for the people who stay out of the EU area.
I wanted to do the London University external course, without a credit in english, i am denied to do the course. How do you feel about this ?
If lernu can also do it as Phoneix University, i don't see why it cannot survive. With the basic members here, i am sure, the start of 100 students should not a big problem, not even have to advertise for it.
Many of my people go to study in Japan, france etc and when they return to my country, they don;t use japanese or french in the work place. They still have to use the local dialect. What is important is to use the knowlege that one has learnt to carry on with the daily work.
Thus i see Lernu University is a good place for people to aquire the knowledge too.
Erinja: thanks for the explanation. my eo is still very bad as i do not have the chance to use it daily and the chance of online is also very less.
Well, thanks to all kind souls in the esperanto world who are trying to help more people.
Genjix (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-12 13:05:21
They primarily target their own country. Teaching in Esperanto is disadvantageous. So why not have one but for foreign students? I doubt foreign students would prefer Esperanto over English... No matter how much you told them it's easier to learn.
It's unfortunate, but I don't see it catching on :/
jan aleksan (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-12 20:41:17
Genjix:... by bad speaker of English...Does EoMy's English is bad?
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-12 23:24:19
jan aleksan:I don't stand under, what is bad English?Genjix:... by bad speaker of English...Does EoMy's English is bad?
Donniedillon (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-13 00:38:51
ceigered:Isn't that what they speak in Australia?
I don't stand under, what is bad English?

fantazo (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-13 04:47:47
But I don't want to brable about this in my post, wouldn't it be nice if we could translate the khan academy
( http://www.khanacademy.org/ ) to esperanto or make an esperanto clone.
As this page was done by one man over a period of time. One person could translate those 1600 videos maybe in 8 months.
The khan academy is quiet popular at the moment, esperantists could jump that train if they want to. And I like the idea about an esperanto university, but I think this would be a nice project.
Sadly it would be only a project for which I would have only limited time. That's probably the reason why something like that won't happen, to much people don't have that much time or that much passion to do this, as esperanto is just a side hobby (but a really loved one).
darkweasel (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-13 05:10:17
ceigered:This:jan aleksan:I don't stand under, what is bad English?Genjix:... by bad speaker of English...Does EoMy's English is bad?
A piece of Viennese passenger information informing about restrictions to public transport during the pope's visit
EoMy (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-13 15:37:02
Unless you can state clearly that English is the better choice over Esperanto as a medium of instruction, I shall hold fort that Esperanto is the best choice for Lernu University as:
1.Lernu has come a long way to gain the reputation in the learning of Esperanto.
2.Lernu can gain some income to expand the idea of Prague manifesto. Many people know that British throw millions of pounds into the formal colonies via the British Council projects either shows, books , film even scholarships to maintain the image of English.
3.It is cheaper to learn online, this would help a lot of people from the developing world, if it comes with the correspondence course. Though it is the world of internet, but not all countries in the world have the privilege but postal service is still available.
4.Lernu does not have to depend on the donations from the public or companies as now lernu is a part of esperantic org project.
5.By doing so, the Esperanto will become more aware by the people. Some colleges in the world might like to partnership with Lernu University as long as the profit is there, there would be business people like to share it.
It is no hope that the ruling class will give up their language and return the mother tongue education to the people. I am impressed that Australia is doing so. I hoped I did not misread it. mondeto
Genjix (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-13 20:23:00
EoMy:Unless you can state clearly that English is the better choice over Esperanto as a medium of instruction, I shall hold fort that Esperanto is the best choice for Lernu University as:This is exactly what I mean. You clearly can't read English properly as I never said that at all.
fantazo:Well well... I like the thing that again an interesting discussion is done in the english forum were in every other forum from which I know the language aren't that interesting discussions made.This is an EXCELLENT idea. Great way to provide teaching materials for non-english speakers. I love this idea.
But I don't want to brable about this in my post, wouldn't it be nice if we could translate the khan academy
( http://www.khanacademy.org/ ) to esperanto or make an esperanto clone.
As this page was done by one man over a period of time. One person could translate those 1600 videos maybe in 8 months.
The khan academy is quiet popular at the moment, esperantists could jump that train if they want to. And I like the idea about an esperanto university, but I think this would be a nice project.
Sadly it would be only a project for which I would have only limited time. That's probably the reason why something like that won't happen, to much people don't have that much time or that much passion to do this, as esperanto is just a side hobby (but a really loved one).
See my post here.