Mesaĝoj: 11
Lingvo: English
17colors (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-21 00:50:35
Please correct my errors

AnFu (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-21 01:55:42
Cu havas knabinojN floroj belaJ? Ne, Ili havas frescaN frucktoN. La knaboj ne volas kolecktI florojN. Ili preferas rompi la brancojN, kai trovI la dolĉAJN ĉerizoJN.
Of course, without a translation I'm guessing at what you really wanted to write. I'm guessing you meant:
"Do beautiful flowers have girls? No, they have fresh fruit. Boys do not want to collect flowers. They prefer to break branches and find sweet cherries."
But maybe you meant "Do girls have beautiful flowers?" Cu havas knabinoj florojN belaJN?
I mostly added the accusative -n- ending to the objects of the sentences and to the adjectives of those objects. The -n- ending is needed with transitive verbs and indicates what is the object of the sentence.
Now someone else can show how wrong I am.

Genjix (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-21 02:16:59
17colors:Cu havas knabinoj floroj bela? Ne, Ili havas fresca fruckto. La knaboj ne volas kolecktas floroj. Ili preferas rompi la brancoj, kai trovas la dolce cerizo.I am beginner after 3 weeks going onto 4 weeks. Don't expect anything.
Please correct my errors
What are you trying to say in the 1st sentence?
Ĉu vi havas belajn flormanierajn knabinojn? Ne, ili havas freŝajn fruktojn. La knaboj ne volas kolekti florojn. Ili preferas rompi la branĉojn, kaj serĉi la dolĉajn ĉerizojn.
Do you have a beautiful flowery girls? No, they have fresh fruit. The boys do not want to collect flowers. They prefer to break the branches and search for the sweet berries.
LyzTyphone (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-21 02:59:30
Genjix:I kind of think he wants to say "Do girls have beautiful flowers?" So "Ĉu knaboj havas belajn florojn" will do. Simple as that17colors:Cu havas knabinoj floroj bela? Ne, Ili havas fresca fruckto. La knaboj ne volas kolecktas floroj. Ili preferas rompi la brancoj, kai trovas la dolce cerizo.I am beginner after 3 weeks going onto 4 weeks. Don't expect anything.
Please correct my errors
What are you trying to say in the 1st sentence?
Ĉu vi havas belajn flormanierajn knabinojn? Ne, ili havas freŝajn fruktojn. La knaboj ne volas kolekti florojn. Ili preferas rompi la branĉojn, kaj serĉi la dolĉajn ĉerizojn.
Do you have a beautiful flowery girls? No, they have fresh fruit. The boys do not want to collect flowers. They prefer to break the branches and search for the sweet berries.

Honestly though, your Esperanto is already beyond beginner level~ Be confident!
Genjix (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-21 03:08:14

ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-21 03:08:18
17colors:Ĉu havas knabinoj florojn belajn? Ne, Ili havas freŝan fruckton. La knaboj ne volas kolekti florojn. Ili preferas rompi la branĉojn, kaj trovas la dolĉan ĉerizon.This translates to:
"Do the girls have beautiful flowers? No, they have a fresh fruit. The boys don't want to collect flowers. They prefer to break the branches, and find the sweet cherry."
A general rule is that all things being acted upon or having something done to them will have an N after them. Also, adjectives must have a plural if the noun they describe has a plural. This doesn't apply to "la" even if it ends with an A though.
Also: Note how you've said "la knaboj ne volas kolektas" - in English, you say "The boy doesn't want to collect" and not "The boy doesn't want to collects", yes? The -s in the last verb there means that the English verb has been made from an infinitive to a finite verb. But we don't put finite verbs there, so it's the same for esperanto; you put an -i on the last verb there, so it should be "la knaboj ne volas kolekti".
If you want any more accusative help, read this page which is actually about Latin, but it's where I learnt how the accusative works. It uses the actor/actee terminology instead which makes more sense

Alciona (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-21 04:54:17

17colors (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-21 06:14:49

and Yes the book is great!
I have a lonnnng way to go
Genjix (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-21 06:37:53
17colors:Thanks for the help everyoneI have this same problem. I've tried and not succeeded at learning 4 languages in my life.I'm terrible at learning languages and i'm glad i am learning esperanto It truly is a great experience.
and Yes the book is great!
I have a lonnnng way to go
erinja (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-21 10:22:47
17colors:Ĉu havas knabinoj florojn belajn? Ne, Ili havas freŝan frukton. La knaboj ne volas kolekti florojn. Ili preferas rompi la branĉojn, kaj trovas la dolĉan ĉerizon.Ceigered's correction is almost correct. But "fruktojn" was misspelled; the above is the correct sentence.
However, I would also be inclined to say "...kaj trovi la dolĉajn ĉerizojn" (and find the sweet cherries - are they really finding only one?)
trovi gives a slightly different meaning to the second part of the sentence.
Ili preferas rompi la branĉojn kaj trovas la dolĉajn ĉerizojn -- They prefer to break the branches and [they] find sweet cherries.
Ili preferas rompi la branĉojn kaj trovi la dolĉajn ĉerizojn -- They prefer to break the branches and [thereby] find sweet cherries.
It has to do with whether "prefer" applies only to rompi, or to trovi as well; putting trovi in the -i form indicates that finding the cherries is a result of breaking the branches. Putting -as on both rompas and trovas implies that the breaking and the finding are two unrelated activities. I don't know which is meant to be the case!