訊息: 10
語言: English
biguglydave (顯示個人資料) 2010年9月27日下午7:15:48
It was worth watching once just to test my listening comprehension. I had read about the movie on several e-o forums in the past. Does anyone have or know of a written transcript of the script so I can see if I heard what I think I heard?
tommjames (顯示個人資料) 2010年9月27日下午7:27:17
It was worth watching once just to test my listening comprehensionI wouldn't use Incubus for that, the pronunciation is generally useless and the Esperanto itself is quite awful in many ways ("vi estas ebla marŝi".. come on

However I do have a transcript, here. I found a few errors and inconsistencies with the original transcript in it though, here and there.
EoMy (顯示個人資料) 2010年9月28日上午11:56:24
tommjames:No probs. That file appears to have many of the errors in the spoken dialogue fixed so that's a bonus I guess.Wonderful Tom, by the way, what is the meaning of Incubus, i cannot get it on lernu dictionary
I also have another file here which shows the time when each phrase is spoken in the soundtrack, if you find that useful.
Kirilo81 (顯示個人資料) 2010年9月28日下午12:19:53
EoMy:incubus is Latin for 'nightmare', it's not Esperanto (= koŝmaro).
Wonderful Tom, by the way, what is the meaning of Incubus, i cannot get it on lernu dictionary
Oŝo-Jabe (顯示個人資料) 2010年9月28日下午12:27:16
Kirilo81:It is also a kind of demon: the male counterpart of a succubus. (Both succubi and and an incubus appear in this movie, so I wouldn't count on it being the nightmare meaning.) Plus, I thought the most common word for 'nightmare' in Esperanto was 'inkubsonĝo' and 'koŝmaro' was a more poetic way of saying it, like 'primavero' vs. 'printempo.'EoMy:incubus is Latin for 'nightmare', it's not Esperanto (= koŝmaro).
Wonderful Tom, by the way, what is the meaning of Incubus, i cannot get it on lernu dictionary
tommjames (顯示個人資料) 2010年9月28日下午1:37:34
Kirilo81:incubus is Latin for 'nightmare', it's not Esperanto (= koŝmaro).True, however the related form inkubo in Esperanto does mean nightmare as well as a demon. For nightmare there's also premsonĝo.
sudanglo (顯示個人資料) 2010年9月28日下午2:21:52
Ooh. According to Wikipaedia there were some famous Esperantists involved in Angoroj. So why do I remember it as so uninspiring.
If you want to watch videos of Esperanto spoken really well, Dave, you should search out the U-tube recordings of speeches by Professor Ivo Lapenna at various congresses.
I expect there are transcripts of these somewhere on the net.
roint (顯示個人資料) 2010年9月28日下午4:13:42