Meddelelser: 5
Sprog: English
erinja (Vise profilen) 15. maj 2007 15.16.06
It's just below the "My corner" box on the right-hand side of the page. Click on the blue arrow to open it up. It's a great way to practice your Esperanto with other students from all over the world. Happy chatting!
lagwagon555 (Vise profilen) 15. maj 2007 19.54.42

richardhall (Vise profilen) 15. maj 2007 23.56.00
erinja (Vise profilen) 16. maj 2007 01.58.57
lagwagon555:Hi, can I ask why it has been ofline? Just curiousYou may or may not be aware that the site used to look quite different from how it looks now.
When the appearance of the site changed, it was not just the site's appearance that changed; the inner workings of the website changed substantially. Due to the internal changes that were made, the old instant messenger would no longer work with the new site.
It took so long to release the new version because our programmers developed a completely new messenger to work with new version of lernu!, after exploring some other options first (such as buying third-party chat software to run on our site). Also, our programmers spent a lot of time working out other bugs with the new site. The release of Internet Explorer 7.0 put a big wrench into the works, because parts of the site no longer worked with it, so fixing that had a higher priority than the new messenger. Also, we have released a couple new courses in the meantime, and a lot of time was spent programming those.
lagwagon555 (Vise profilen) 19. maj 2007 06.35.33
But thanks for bringing the messenger back! Its great fun! Give my thanks to the programmers