Příspěvky: 22
Jazyk: English
Nile (Ukázat profil) 15. října 2013 13:47:18
erinja (Ukázat profil) 15. října 2013 16:44:01
The two main methods are the x-method and the h-method
Therefore, the word "ĉarma" would come out as "cxarma" with the x-method and "charma" with the h-method. The x-method and h-method both involve putting an x, or h, respectively, after the letter requiring a circumflex. The one exception is the letter ŭ, is written as ux with the x-method but as a simple u with the h-method. So "hodiaŭ" would be "hodiaux" with the x-method, but "hodiau" with the h-method. The h-method requires somewhat more knowledge on the part of the reader, but it is the method that Zamenhof himself suggested for situations where the Esperanto letters couldn't be properly typed. It looks a little more attractive (ehhoshangho chiujhaude looks a bit better than ehxosxangxo cxiujxauxde) but for computing purposes, the x-method makes computerized substitution (and automatic alphabetization) a bit easier.
Occasionally I see methods using the ^ character. "ĉarma" would be "c^arma". That method is rare now.
Nile (Ukázat profil) 15. října 2013 16:52:55
So I prefer the x-method when ĉĝĥĵŝŭ is unavailable.
ShannonCC (Ukázat profil) 15. října 2013 16:53:52
Erinja, why is the x method easier for computers? I don't understand. You know, which one would you say is most understood by the most people? Maybe I should just go with that one.
ShannonCC (Ukázat profil) 15. října 2013 16:54:52
Nile:Trying to make a superior standard is the very source of too many standards.That's true of *so* many things in life, isn't it

Nile (Ukázat profil) 15. října 2013 17:08:11
As for your question:
The Esperanto alphabet should be ordered like so: abcĉdefgĝhĥijĵklmnoprsŝtuŭvz.
Using the h-system, many words would be out of order.
Judo comes before ĵudo alphabetically, but judo would incorrectly precede jhudo if you alphabetize it with a computer.
With the x-system, almost all words will be sorted properly, except when there is something involving a Z, such as reuzi and reŭmatismo.
In the few cases where an H does come after a C, G, H, J, or S, a computer would overzealously turn it into a diacritic.
bartlett22183 (Ukázat profil) 15. října 2013 18:36:35
I do not enter a lot of E-o text, but I use Ek! with absolutley no difficulty or discomfort at all. (I also have Tajpi, although I do not use it frequently.) If these keyboard programs will run on Windows XP, I am supposing they will run on Windows 8, and they are completely free, very simple to install, and very simple to use.
erinja (Ukázat profil) 15. října 2013 20:37:24
ShannonCC:Oh, I thought there was one right way.Both the h-method and the x-method are understood by most people. If I were you, I'd type with the x-method, and use Tajpi at home. Then your typing would be the same wherever you are, and whenever you're not at home, it would just come out as x-text, and still be perfectly easy to understand.
Erinja, why is the x method easier for computers? I don't understand. You know, which one would you say is most understood by the most people? Maybe I should just go with that one.
Fenris_kcf (Ukázat profil) 16. října 2013 7:30:23
IMO there is really no need for special characters for representing the sounds of Esperanto, but like we say in German „das Kind ist bereits in den Brunnen gefallen“ (i.e. it's already to late to change something about it now).
zaragorti (Ukázat profil) 11. května 2014 8:27:17
The letters ŝŭĝĥĉĵ are typed by pressing the keys marked qw[]xcj. I haven't gotten used to it yet because mi estas tre comencanto, but I imagine that once you get used to it you would be able to type much more fluently than using the x or h methods.
You can do the same thing with Linux (which I prefer to Windows). Linux is much more tweakable, even for non-geeks, so a quick search will show you how.