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How to say 'Polytechnic' in Esperanto?

de AmyDeerie, 2014-majo-31

Mesaĝoj: 12

Lingvo: English

sparksbet (Montri la profilon) 2014-junio-07 23:10:03

richardhall:PIV gives 2 definitions for kolegio. The first is "Aro da personoj plenumantaj religian oficon: la kolegio de la pontifikoj, de la aŭguroj, de la kardinaloj". The 2nd definition, "Lernejo mezgrada (ekz-e en Francio) aŭ supera (ekz-e en Anglio)" is (it says) evitinda -- to be avoided.

sparksbet:Could you please elaborate on this please? My copy of CEED says that kolegio can be used to mean an independent school or special group; the examples it gives are "Howard Community College" being "Komunuma Kolegio Howard" (which certainly is a lerning place), and "College of Cardinals" being "Kolegio de la Kardinaloj." The embedded Lernu dictionary seems to agree, defining "kolegio" as "en iuj landoj: mezlernejo aŭ parto de altlernejo; eklezia instanco." If the dictionary includes the word "lernejo" in its definition, how does the word not refer to a learning place of some kind? Mind you, I understand that "universitato" makes more sense for what most Americans call college, but I'm not sure if I'm misunderstand you or the dictionaries or both.
Ah, that makes sense. I don't have a copy of PIV, and I haven't seen anything that mentioned one should avoid using it before. Thanks!

Salikoko (Montri la profilon) 2014-junio-07 23:51:02

Politekniko; plej supera teknika lernejo, laŭ PIV.

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